
Churches Respond To Coronavirus Threat

Churches Respond To Coronavirus Threat
Churches Respond To Coronavirus Threat

The Botswana Union Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventists has put out a statement to its denominations to temporarily suspend major gatherings other than normal church worship.

“In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), which has now been declared by the World Heath Organisation as a pandemic, it has since become necessary to implement certain measures to assist in the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus,” a statement from the Union Headquarters read.

“We are calling on all our entities and local churches to temporarily suspend major gatherings (other than normal church worship), such as Youth Camps, major workshops, camp meetings, and other crowd pulling activities until further notice.”

The statement further appeals to its members to continue making diligent efforts in maintaining basic hygiene by washing hands with soap, and to avoid handshakes. The statement also urges members to refrain from visiting countries with confirmed cases of coronavirus.

“Further, we would like to also appeal to all our local churches to temporarily postpone the Holy Communion services for the first and second Quarter of 2020 until this global challenge has been put under control.”

The United Congregational Church of Southern African (UCCSA) Synod of Botswana also issued a statement in response to the rampant global spread of (COVID-19) coronovirus.

“The entire body of Christ is therefore encouraged to find the most pastoral and responsible way of responding to this challenge,” the statement from UCCSA Botswana Synod also read.

The statements further read that the Officers of the UCCSA Botswana Synod have made resolutions for pastoral consideration and immediate auctioning.

The resolutions are that:

All conferences of the church at every structure, be it at Organisational, Regional, Synod levels, be indefinitely postponed while the state of COVID-19 remains to be closely monitored. This resolve includes every special Synod and regional special services such as inductions and ordinations.

Regular updates will be made through the assistance of the Synod Health and Wellness Committee/Team.

Members should adhere to precautionary measures and not limited to self-isolation, avoid unnecessary international and local travels, especially amongst the vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the children and those whose immune system may already be compromised.

Church Services should be held under close monitoring by the Health and Wellness teams, where possible working with the guidance of the local health personnel.

All joint Easter Conventions be cancelled with the option of restricted Local Easter Services only.The church refrains from inviting regional and/or international guests or preachers (SADC, Continental and Global).

The Botswana Network of Christian Communities (BONECCO) also issued a statement urging churches to take precautionary measures as always outlined by the health practitioners.

“These are difficult times and indeed difficult decisions are to be made whose effects are but only temporary.  Truly this moment shall pass and in the fullness of time the world shall experience the fullness and manifestation of the Scripture…,” a statement from BONECCO spelt out.