
BOFEPUSU seeks audience with MPs

BOFEPUSU hopes to bend MPs ears its way
BOFEPUSU hopes to bend MPs ears its way

According to BOFEPUSU deputy secretary general, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa, the purpose of the meeting is to share with MPs the experiences that the federation has “observed and endured” in relation to laws and bills passed by Parliament.

“BOFEPUSU requests to give the General Assembly a briefing pursuant to Standing Order 117(B) 3. The briefing is meant to assist Members of Parliament with information that is relevant to carry out their law-making processes better when dealing with labour related bills, motions and any other related matters,” Motshegwa wrote on Monday.

 BOFEPUSU proposed that the General Assembly meeting be convened this week on April 7, 2016 or April 11, 2016 or any suitable date on or before end of parliamentary business next week.

“In the event BOFEPUSU does not get a favourable response on or before April 11, 2016, we put you, Madam Speaker, on notice that BOFEPUSU would like to petition Parliament on the 13th April 2016 at 14:15hours. Furthermore, if the situation comes to a petition level, we would like you to receive the said petition as the head of Parliament at 14:15hrs,” the letter reads.

Efforts to verify whether the National Assembly or Kokorwe had received the letter were unfruitful by press time.