
A million Batswana on land waiting list

Chinese community attending a legal workshop at Avani PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Chinese community attending a legal workshop at Avani PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The minister of Lands and Housing Prince Maele, told Parliament last week his ministry has a budget of P45 million to embark on land service and allocation, especially in the peri-urban areas where the demand is high.

“That notwithstanding, there are 1.062,158 applicants on the waiting list as maintained and published by various Land Boards and the Department of Lands. The applicants in these waiting lists will continue to be vetted for eligibility for allocation, to ensure compliance with the Land Policy provision on equity in distribution of land,” he said.

He said the P45 million budget was for the acquisition of approximately 1,100 hectares for village expansion in Ngwato, Kgalagadi, Ghanzi, Tawana, Kweneng, Rolong, Malete, Tlokweng, Tati and Ngwaketse Land Boards in the 2015/16 financial year.

“To date P35,111,517 constituting 78% of the budget for 2015/16 has been disbursed to the Land Boards.

The compensation guidelines have been reviewed and a Cabinet Memorandum has been drafted for consideration by Government. The major emphasis is on compensation in kind,” he said. 

He added that eight offers totalling 3,783 hectares of freehold land in the North East, South East and Lobatse blocks of farms have been received and that the ministry had engaged the land holders with a view to explore possibilities of acquisition.

Maele said that his ministry continues to facilitate achievement of the various economic diversification efforts, including the Economic Stimulus Programme, through land reservation. Currently, 1,869 ha; 6,413 ha; and 5,542 ha of land and plots have been reserved for investors and youth in Tourism; Agriculture, Commercial and Industrial sectors respectively.

He revealed that 10,219 out of 26,835 plots in tribal land, which were inspected for compliance to development covenant, were found to be developed in accordance with development plans.

“The Land Boards have started identifying unused arable fields and ensuring that they are used for the intended purpose. 

 My ministry is concerned about plots that are not developed. 

We are however mindful of some of the reasons for non-development of plots which include social and financial constraints, lack of infrastructure, particularly water and access roads,” he said.

Meanwhile the minister said that computerisation of land records is going well and so far a total of 490,692 Deeds records from a target of 503,831 have been captured and 110,981 records have been scanned.

“Digital records will enable the Deeds Registry to move from an all paper based business process to a modern e-Government institution while preservation of paper records will reduce wear and tear.

Deeds Registry Act is currently being reviewed to provide for registration of customary land certificate, which will enable plot holders to use their land as collateral,” the minister said. 

Maele said that the National Housing Strategy is being finalised and is hopeful that it will increase access to housing for all; and will include, delivery of housing through Private Public Partnership strategy, improved access and affordable Housing Finance, establishment of a Housing Fund, and coordinated Social Housing programmes for the youth and the less privileged.

“Complementary to the National Housing Strategy, a Housing Needs Assessment to determine the demand for housing nationwide and to also give guidance on housing policy direction will be undertaken.

 Information sought from this assessment includes disaggregated data on the number of people requiring housing for both purchase and rental, their income, and provide a forecast of demand.

This data will augment information in the Population and Housing Census,” he said.

 The ministry was allocated approximately P910million for the Development Budget and P833million for the Recurrent Budget