
KMPK comes of age-single soon


The rappers said they are presently cooking up a storm  in the kitchen in the form of a sizzling album to be released later this year.

Kgwatalala revealed that they first started out as a group of four in 2011 at Mmadinare senior secondary school, but the other one, whom they did not mention by name, left due to life commitments.  “We come a long way.  We were dancers at junior school so at senior level we evolved and started rapping,” he recalled.

For his part, Gabatlhaolwe said when they finished form five the music bug had bitten them to a point of obsession, hence they didn’t want to quit.

“Since then, we have worked with people like Chef Gustos and Vivite Boys on our first single called No Lie,” he said.

Gabatlhaolwe indicated that their official first single was produced by Suffocate who won the award for best producer in the Botswana Musicians Union awards 2014.

Kgwatalala, however, said they do not focus on motswako only but they fuse it with kwaito sgubu and house.

“We come from Serule and people there have been supportive and that gave us motivation to work harder,” he intoned.  Kgwatalala admitted that though the trio is currently studying at various tertiary institutions, they were risking everything for the love of music.  “Our parents don’t approve. But our heart is in the music,” he stated matter-of-factly. Oduetse chipped in saying they were one-of a-kind  group because they do music that does not only provide entertainment, but also gives hope to the hopeless.

“We do not specialise in any genre because we love exploring sounds and everything that revolves around music,” he said.