
Monsieur Collections: Gentleman�s image, lifestyle on their sleeve

Monsier Collections
Monsier Collections

A gentleman is  unique, classic, with a timeless image and lifestyle that he  constantly projects. When they opened their up-market boutique located in the CBD, Monsieur Collections,  it was the start of a crusade to enhance this image and lifestyle with a variety of sophisticated high-end brands.

Monsieur Collections consists of lightweight suits and fabrics like linen, crisp white shirts, dress pants, smart shoes, and basic staples all make for versatile, timeless pieces that can be incorporated with trending items. The Monsieur Collections style consultant Uyapo Ketlogetswe explained that their main idea is to inspire men on how to dress good. “Most importantly a guy has to feel good and confident when wearing something,” said Ketlogetswe.

He stated that the collections they have in store play a major role in one’s lifestyle and how they are perceived in the society.   Detail is the centre of attraction in a number of the collections within the store. One notable collection is a blazer with golden buttons that make a statement. “We discovered that no one supplied up market brands, then we decided to be the ones doing so top the market.” He added that their main target is a young professional to mature adults.

 Monsieur Collections clothes do not come at cheap price at all since they supply quality material stuff. Ketlogetswe gave out a number of tips regarding the lifestyle they are trying to promote through Monsieur Collections. He explained: “There are no rules in playing around with accessories such as ties, cufflinks and pocket squares and hats can be used as a compliment.”

He went on to talk about silhouette stating that gone are the days of baggy clothes. Clothes should perfectly fit your body and give you an extra boost of confidence, he said as a parting shot.