
Codes reluctant to return despite green-light

Crying out: BNSC codes say despite the resumption of activities, they do not have funds to ensure compliance with COVID-19 protocols
Crying out: BNSC codes say despite the resumption of activities, they do not have funds to ensure compliance with COVID-19 protocols

The minister of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development
(MYSC), Tumiso Rakgare announced last week Friday, that most sporting activities, including football, are free to resume.

But some sport codes argue they cannot resume due to costs associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and protocols.

Botswana Netball Association (BONA) secretary general, Ntebo Maplanka said they expected the minister to outline guidelines for a smooth return.

“We expect them to follow the same channel and inform us to start.
They should give us a letter that states their expectations when we resume activities,” she said.

Maplanka said the challenge they faced is that they do not have funds to ensure COVID-19 protocols are adhered too.

She said they received their regular BNSC grant, but nothing in addition. 

Maplanka said their P800,000 grant was less than what netball received last year. She said 25% of the amount has been set aside for international travel.

“The grant is less than what we had proposed. We had proposed that we want to renovate BONA courts at a cost of P1.8 million. We also wanted to renovate ablutions, changing rooms amongst other things,” Maplanka said.

She added it means they must go back to the drawing board and decide where to compromise.

Botswana Integrated Sport Association (BISA) public relations officer, Letsweletse Jonas also said other than the P500,000 grant, there has been no additional funding for COVID-19.

“We did not receive any funding from the Ministry of Basic Education (MoBE) because we did not have any activities,” Jonas said.

Botswana Athletics Association (BAA) vice president,
Oabona Theetso said the association has not been officially informed about the re-start of activities. 

“COVID-19 positive cases are increasing daily so we thought it is advisable to suspend our activities. We also do not have funds to conduct COVID-19 protocols like testing of athletes,” Theetso said.

Botswana Judo Federation (BJF) marketing director, Patricia Nthibo
said in the past few days they have been cleaning their training
facility, the dojo.

 “We do comply with protocols. Every two weeks we disinfect the dojo. We have two sessions per day with 10 athletes per session. The sessions are held outdoor. We make sure that during training there is no contact. BNSC has assisted us with funds,” she said.

Botswana Football Association (BFA) released a statement
that stated organised competitive 
tournaments remain suspended. 
MYSC permanent secretary, Kago Ramokate said it was now up to sport codes to decide after the minister’s announcement.

“It is now up to BNSC and the sport codes to do their part,” he said. Ramokate said they have not received any complaints from NSAs.