Opinion & Analysis

Drop your panty for a job

The heat wave does not  seem to cease anyone’s determination to get a new job. After all, the thirst is real, we all want a piece of the pie.2016 is the vision year, a year our country measures its development and progress over the past 50 years. Botswana gets to celebrate some of her achievements, the masses are amped up to have something to celebrate too. People are pressurised to work harder. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to achieve their goals this year. Some will, depending on the strategies they apply.

With unemployment being one of our biggest concerns as a nation we find young people, even veterans of different fields, spending ample time trying to figure out ways in  which they can improve their lives or beat poverty. Reality is local companies  can not accommodate the large number of unemployed people, poverty eradication schemes initiated  by the government do not satisfy the wishes and interests of the intended benficiaries. Ironically there are job slots in companies reserved for desperate young women who would do anything to get a job. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I have met many young women in tertiary institutions who openly admit that they would “drop their panty” for a job. They say it is a small incident that pays off really well in the end.

You get to enjoy the benefits of having a permanent job over an act that could probably take an hour. “Looks don’t matter, you just cover the face and hammer the body”. “Who wants to spend months or years looking for a job while there is an easier way up”? Some of the responses I got. Truth is the value and purpose of sex has now changed, it has cheapened. Sex is now a commodity,  an  exchange for an exchange. Sex is used every hour of everyday to get things done. It makes cheques get signed by authority to their  juniors.  

Many young women have participated in the “pantypreneurship”  system without any feeling of shame or disgust. It is easy to get away with it because it is done by people who are cautious about protecting their reputation. You might think women who abide by this system are uneducated lazy people who do not  want to work hard. Surprisingly even women with impressive CVs, who have invested much of their time getting educated and upgrading their CVs now and then use this system to get job promotions. This system has abolished work ethics in companies, fairness and equality is questionable.

Women have allowed themselves to popularise this system to a point where any young lady fresh from varsity is caught up between two stools whether to “drop a panty” or to do the door-to-door campaign. Minds of young women have been corrupted by this system. It has devalued the academic qualifications you may come across be it Diploma, Degree, , Master’s Degree, and so forth. It might be easy to play along, but we are forgetting the bigger implication of destroying the true meaning and value of job allocation. This system has grown to a point that any fresh young woman  in any company may be associated with it and has potential to diminish the characters of many.

Sex is chosen over talent, experience, potential and qualifications or merit. We have mediocre employees in various departments who do not represent the true character of a strong black  woman who is governed by morals and principles.  Women have in the past been victims of mistreatment and inequality, but our voices have been heard after we were given the platform we have long been craving for. Sadly we do not seem to represent what we have been fighting for. We have instead chosen a completely different direction almost the same as spitting on the faces of those who pioneered the gender equality liberation. At the end of the day, the tennis ball is in your court. You can either choose to corrupt the system further or correct it for the better.