
Confusion hits My Star selection

Master Dee
Master Dee

The Best of the Best selection was initially aimed at attracting top 10 contestants from the last nine seasons to compete in an all-star show. With previous contestants not coming forward in satisfying numbers, the originator of My Star Keabetswe ‘Master Dee’ Sesinyi changed to include all the top 20 contestants since 2007.

That did not change anything and the first audition was a disaster after six contestants showed up in what was supposed to be the only audition. The six contestants were Sharon Sibonge, Boikanyo Sejalolwane, Wendy Lebodi, Ontefetse Osego, Nonofo Ketlhokile, and Michael Mbizo.

Last weekend, Showbiz covered the second auditions and only three contestants turned up for the auditions. The selected trio was Lazarus, Anita and Obakeng. While Sesinyi has blatantly told Showbiz that they had selected 24 contestants so far, but Showbiz only has a record of nine from the last two auditions. It is not clear where the other 15 contestants were selected.

Sesinyi confirmed that there were two auditions and he also mentioned a few well-known names like Bianca and Kabo Matlho and they were both not present in either of the two auditions.

In a shocking turnout, Sesinyi said other contestants showed up later during the weekend audition. During the weekend, some of the few people who showed up at the auditions complained after paying P40 only to see three contestants auditioning.

The show, which started as Pop Star in 2007, has lost popularity over the years with winners unable to penetrate the music industry. Sesinyi has rather blamed the low turnout for best of the best audition on the fact that many people have moved on since 2007.

He said they would launch the top 24 during the second week of February.“We want to go around and show them to Batswana before we can start the elimination process,” he said.