
Mosetlha ventures into Christian motivational writing

Segomotso Mosetlha book 1
Segomotso Mosetlha book 1

Most of the writers have chosen different genres such as comic, fiction, and motivational and spiritual books. Segomotso ‘Fankie’ Mosetlha chose to be a Christian motivational writer.

In an interview with Arts & Culture, Mosetlha explained that writing was an art and needed someone who is passionate about it. She said with guidance from the ‘Holy Spirit’ she easily expresses her feelings through writing. She described herself as a lover of the word of God saying she was mentored by her Spiritual father Apostle Shine-G of Grace Life ministries who repositioned her to be bold enough to stand out and accomplish her mission of touching lives. She added that it was never easy to write her two books titled Shake It Off and It Is Authorised.

'Shake it off is a referral book that teaches you how to live in an evolving world. Change is beautiful yet painful. It comes with advantages and disadvantages. But shake it off is a summary of what we face in our daily lives and how to deal with those situations. It teaches you how to deal with fear, pain through faith as you shake it off and the power of obedience. it is a book of 53 pages, five topics and the topics are; fear, pain, faith, shake it off and obedience,' she said.

Mosetlha further explained that It Is Authorised that is basically speaking to Christians. She pointed out that being a Christian was hard saying most of the people end up going back to the 'world' because they thought being a Christian things will run smoothly for them. She said many people could not stand disappointments in churches as they take them as a Holy place forgetting that Church is people. She pointed out that different people from different backgrounds and believes go looking for help at church. She said It Is Authorised had nine topics that includes Leftovers, Stop, It Is Authorised, I Am A Kingdom Shaker, I Am On My Way To My Destiny to mention a few.

'it Is Authorised to happen. It is time to unclean the things you learn from the wounded people. Sometimes we forgive not because we are wrong but because staying angry robs us happiness. Bitterness can turn you into a person who hurt you. Time healing will always begin with your thoughts, master your thoughts and you will master your life. A positive mindset will give you a glow from within you. Your aura radiates, your energy becomes magnetic. Even the greatest was once a beginner. Do not be afraid to take that first step. Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time.' she pointed out.

Mosetlha added that it was never easy to write books because individuals need to be sure of what they are writing, they always question themselves if the information is worthy to be shared with other people. She said an author also needs finances to publish books and support from loved ones especially family, which can demoralize them if they are not supportive. She added that if individuals was determined they will be forced to put their head up and pursue your dreams.

she thanked God for entrusting her with the gift of writing and His mercies upon her life. She said she is nothing without God. She also thanked her spiritual parents for mentoring her and her mother Bakadzi Mosetlha who raised her to be the woman she is today, her family and friends not forgetting her publisher Koziba Sebina for his patience and her supporters.