
ESTeRES aims to weather storms ahead

Phetlhe put together a holistic Beauty Appreciation Brunch which had the guests learn the importance of regular Spa Treatments, Skin Care, Make Up , Yoga and Sexual Health and Wellness
Phetlhe put together a holistic Beauty Appreciation Brunch which had the guests learn the importance of regular Spa Treatments, Skin Care, Make Up , Yoga and Sexual Health and Wellness

Life can be full of challenges and tests, and none more so than in business it is how people respond and adapt to these tests and challenges that determines whether such people are to succeed or fail. Becoming obsolete was not an option for ESTeRES Botique Agency.

Half a year’s patience saw ChellzKitchen come about in August. ChellzKitchen is an intimate cooking sessions for Home Cooks alike with a passion to explore the kitchen, network and engage with Food and Home Care Brands differently. ESTeRES hosted experiential events curating a new frequency for brands to interact with customers under the new normal.

“Your class is what I needed. You resurrected the woman in me. Thanks a lot for the wonderful opportunity,” one of the students said after five months of amazing food, conversation and memories. Phetlhe told Arts & Culture that the reviews are true testament that personal development continues to be the core foundation for all ESTeRES interactions. “The season was closed off in December with a Festive Edition which included Yoga, Raindeer Ears and Red Lipstick. January 2021 ushers in exciting Back2Class which starts with hosting personalities who will get to cook with mentees and fans who compete for the spot on the Chellzkitchen FB page. These individuals include the likes of Dollar from GabzFm and Internationally acclaimed artist, Shanti Lo to mention a few. February will see the kitchen back in full swing with sessions, its best to register now to avoid disappointment,”Phetlhe further revealed.

As the trying year 2020 came to an end, many individuals and businesses who survived the pain staking challenges brought about by the pandemic COVID – 19, opted to celebrate and give thanks while taking stock of lessons learned, growth and innovation. MobiSparty owner Phemelo Letang – Moilwa saw it fit to extend her appreciation and engaged ESTeRES to bring to life a Pyjama Beauty Brunch which would celebrate beauty and individuals in the beauty space. Brief in hand Phetlhe put together a holistic Beauty Appreciation Brunch which would have the guests learn the importance of regular Spa Treatments, Skin Care, Make Up , Yoga and Sexual Health and Wellness. Speaking on Make Up was Jesses’ Make Up who engaged in a very interactive QnA as ladies posed questions specific. On the Topic of Skin Care, Didi Moseki of Natural Organics shared insight of her locally produced organic skincare range as well as different routines for different skin types. Her testimony on her personal battle with acne made her all the more relatable. Lebo Gaobakwe of LGYogaHub had the took them through breathing, relaxing and mindfulness exercises. If anyone stole the show it would have to be Lorato Metlhi -Molelowatladi and her bright yellow Pelvic Bone Skeletal Model.

At Physiotherapy Touch Clinic they have a special interest in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. By understanding this well and how it relates to sexual health is very important for a woman and their partners. The success of the event has both ESTeRES and MobiSparty looking to host more Intimate Sessions from February as the necessity and demand for them is evident. The all women only event is designed to appreciate women and have women appreciate themselves. Phetlhe added that with the event they had realised that it is important to foster a sense of closeness in any relationship (romantic or otherwise). “While intimacy cannot be forced it can be work shopped and improved, which subsequently demystifies what it is to live a well life, inside and out”. Discussions were short and very to the point, the small group dynamics allowed for the comfort of asking what might have seemed to be the most personal questions. Guests were treated to a delicious finger food lunch accompanied with MCC’s sponsored by Lenagu Wine Company and sent home with a goodie bag filled with Soap from Organic Naturals, Bath Salts, Hand Cream, A Pelvic Floor Questionnaire and Dettol Sanitizer.