
Vee Mampeezy clinches Choppies water distribution deal

Vee Mampeezy has found a new lifeline and is now pushing the MaVeeta brand more than ever on social media PIC: FACEBOOK
Vee Mampeezy has found a new lifeline and is now pushing the MaVeeta brand more than ever on social media PIC: FACEBOOK

This is not a music distribution deal, but rather that his mineral water brand, MaVeeta is currently available in Choppies stores through the new deal. Vee Mampeezy made the big announcement on social media this week. MaVeeta, a product that the letlhale hitmaker started way back in 2008 is now available in 500ml, 1.5L and 5L bottles.

For musicians, like Vee Mampeezy whose reliable way of making a living seems a distance memory, were sadly left with nothing but fear and uncertainty. The success of MaVeeta in the market could boost the artist who recently publicly revealed that he was broke.

“I was so sad the other day to find out that I cannot buy Tomato Sauce for my child,” a visibly distraught Vee Mampeezy told a gathering of fellow struggling creatives at GSS Grounds in December 2020.

Vee Mampeezy who was dismayed by government’s  stone-deaf approach to their cries in December has found a new lifeline and is now pushing the MaVeeta brand more than ever on social media.

In an interview, Vee Mampeezy however revealed that MaVeeta has always been there all these years. He noted that pushing it now has nothing to do with COVID-19 wreaking havoc on the music industry.

Vee Mampeezy disclosed that the difference this time was that he has engaged Kamoso Distributers, who are the ones behind the Choppies deal.

He was grateful for Batswana’s support. “They are already doing wonders,” he gleefully added. Vee Mampeezy said music is a business that is why he doesn’t struggle to push other business ventures.

“Other artists are capable of doing the same because musicians are naturally business-minded people. They just have to find that one thing they are passionate about and it all begins there,” he said.