
Rari Sees Gross Negligence amidst rising covid cases in schools


Speaking at the end of a virtual meeting with the ministry of basic  education and covid19 task team where they discussed  covid19 pandemic in schools, Rari says their observation is that the Department of Public Health through the DHMTs is dropping the guard and compromising the standards and known COVID – 19 protocols when it comes to

schools. “There are  many incidents where close contacts awaiting results would be required to go to schools environment and instances, where fumigations would not be done  at  all, yet schools are one of the most visited places in the community, by parents, by members of the PTA's, suppli-ers of essentials like food supplies; in most cases students who contract covid19 at schools take it to their homes after school.”

“ We are worried that  Schools seem to have been turned into quarantine and isolation camps, and

teachers are used to take care of the students that are isolated / quarantined”, Rari added.

Rari welcomed the ministry’s decision discontinue using teachers as caregivers to isolated and quarantined students as well as to stop using schools as isolation centres.