
BBS introduces more services

“The new services are able to use Orange and beMobile networks to buy airtime and prepaid electricity. Previously, only Mascom subscribers were able to access their banking on Nomad Banking, that is, check balances on their BBS accounta, receive or send funds as well as buy Masom airtime,” said the statement.

The statement continued: “Equally important is that customers can buy airtime from all three mobile phone networks regardless of the network a customer subscribes to. For example, Mascom users can buy airtime from Orange of beMobile”.

The statement said hat an additional nonbilable short code “180*103£ is now available.

“The short code enable users to access Nomad Banking services and to buy airtime when they do not have airtime in their phones.

In this instance, only airtime for the subscriber’s network will be available for purchase on this short code. This will allow users to access the full banking short code 190123£