
Mosekiemang releases COVID-19 inspired documentary


Mosekiemang said the story was inspired by the lockdown because it felt like they were just ‘parked’. She told Arts & Culture the documentary is titled ‘Parked’ because she believes that was a temporary situation and they shall rise again as creatives.  Mosekiemang said the creatives should not give up but rather keep working and find ways to showcase their art in times of the pandemic. “It is just a short documentary, which I managed to shoot with the assistance of Africa Culture Fund, who paid the crew and artists with a bit of relief for taking part,” she explained. “I worked with artists like Teacobouy the guitarist, Thabang the dancer, Stinkane player, Fab the dancer, a segaba player called Tasco, a string art artist named Kenaleone Mosekiemang and Cherryapple crew. The documentary was directed by me. I am an upcoming producer, poet and children arts educator. We are grateful to Africa Culture Fund for giving us funds when the creative industry is closed.” Mosekiemang added she will be working on more projects with other collaborators internationally.

The producer stated she faced some challenges which include not being able to involve as many artists as they hoped for due to travel restrictions and curfew. She explained that they needed inter-zonal permits to cross to other zones.  She also highlighted that they were limited in terms of locations and getting footage. The documentary was shot in Gaborone. Parked is available on Cherry Apple’s Facebook page and YouTube.