
Dreaming of fleeing absolute poverty

It is a situation he abhors. His is a dream of decent living, progression up the ladder and becoming the best he can possibly can in the hospitality industry.

Mpontshang is one of the eight local young people currently enrolled for a three month long field guide program at Mashatu, courtesy of the Amarula Trust.

He is currently unemployed, but when he saw this course advertised as he was walking in the streets, he jumped at the opportunity.

Mpontshang says although he trained and even worked as guide before, he would later lose his job because he was deemed not qualified enough. His employers wanted a level 3 qualifications.

He believes in this Amarula funded course he has now found what he has been missing and would soon be back earning a living. Mpontshang says through the on-going  three months long program he will graduate with riffle holding skills, night game drive skills, over night camping, armed walking safaris, among others.

“After three months I will be qualified, and life will be much better, because experience and new qualifications will count for me”.

Mpontshang says since he comes from a large extended family where he happens to be the breadwinner, the importance of this qualification cannot be over emphasized.

“From here I will market my skills in the hospitality industries in Maun; I also have hope in the course organisers, Eco Training, they have promised to place us with lodges as part of training and looking for opportunities for us”, adds the optimistic man of 27.

Mpontshang also possesses certificate in hospitality management and guiding, as well as a one year experience as a guide, before he lost that job on account of insufficient qualifications.