Tumy on Monday

It�s all in your mind

With minor, day-to-day goals, you know what you want to achieve, but when it comes to major goals, it is different. You might have a vague idea, but this is not enough.

To accomplish anything, and to use your mind power, you have to know exactly what it is you want to do. In order to focus your mind on a goal, you need a clear and well-defined goal.

How do you go about that? First, you have to think and find out what is it that you really want to accomplish or gain. This might not be a simple step, and requires deep thinking, investigation and time. 

After discovering what you really want to accomplish, you need to come up with a plan for action. You need to know what you have to do first, and how to proceed. All of this requires planning, which means using the power of the mind.

After deciding on a goal and coming up with a plan, you need to hold in your mind a clear mental image of your goal. You need to see it accomplished. This step requires that you use your imagination, which is another power of the mind.

Not everyone can visualise clear mental images, but regular training of the imagination can do wonders.

You may, for example, look at photos of what you want to achieve, and then close your eyes, and try to see it in your imagination.

This will enhance your visualisation ability. At this point, you have to display patience, self-discipline and persistence. Affirmations are another useful mental tool for achieving success.

What you affirm sinks into the subconscious mind, becomes part of the subconscious mind, and consequently, affects your behaviour and actions. If your affirmations are positive, they lead you to success. You need to be able to transmit your thoughts to other people, who would aid you with your plans.

Often, you have to persuade others to invest in your plans or to help you in other ways. You need to be enthusiastic, persuasive, and believe what you are saying, otherwise they won’t listen and won’t care.

To be able to do so, you need some degree of concentration, the ability to visualise, tact and patience, all being mental skills. Motivation is another mental and emotional power that you require for achieving success.

How can you achieve anything if you are not motivated enough? To increase your motivation and enthusiasm, think often of your goal, about its advantages and benefits, and how it will change your life.

Your thoughts, which are part of your mind, possess power. The thoughts that you most often think tend to come true.

If you pour your mental energy into the same thoughts or mental images day after day, they will become stronger and stronger, and would consequently, affect your attitude, expectations, behaviour and actions.

These thoughts and mental images can even be subconsciously perceived by other people, who would then offer you help or opportunities.

Your thoughts can also create what is usually termed as coincidence. They can attract into your life corresponding events, situations and opportunities.

Not every thought turns into reality. A thought has to be repeated often, and to be saturated with desire, in order to come true. Doubts, fears, and worries, tend to destroy what you build with the power of your mind. This means that you need to clear your mind of negative thoughts and doubts.

Then there is imagination. Everyone possesses a certain degree of imaginative ability. The imagination manifests in various degrees in various people. In some, it is highly developed, and in others, it manifests in a weaker form.

Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and to mentally explore the past and the future.

This ability manifests in various forms, one of which is daydreaming.

Though too much idle daydreaming may make one impractical, a certain degree of daydreaming, while not being engaged in something that requires attention, provides temporary happiness, calmness and relief from stress.

In your imagination, you can travel anywhere in the speed of light, without any obstacles. It can make you feel free, though temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances.

A developed and strong imagination does not make you a daydreamer and impractical.  On the contrary, it strengthens your creative abilities, and is a great tool for recreating and remodelling your world and life.Special contribution; Remez Sasson (Mental Tools to a Great Life)