
BoBA, Kenosi in weight loss fight

Time to reflect: Kenosi is battling to lose weight PIC: THALEFANG CHARLES
Time to reflect: Kenosi is battling to lose weight PIC: THALEFANG CHARLES

Kenosi recently came under scrutiny after she gained more kilogrammes, above her stipulated weight. According to information reaching Mmegi Sport, the boxer has been instructed to stop eating a lot. 

The source said since the last incident between Kenosi and her coach, Lechedzani ‘Master’ Luza, she has been on a leash and if she steps out of the Athletes Village, she is reported to the Botswana National Olympic Committee (BNOC).   

“She has been told to eat vegetables and if she makes any mistake they have threatened to let her go. She has been instructed to stay away from carbohydrates (sugars and starches). We are concerned about her welfare because she is always dizzy at training,” a source said.

The source raised a concern that Kenosi might collapse during training.

Mmegi Sport failed to get a comment from Kenosi who said she was under instruction not to talk to the media.

But BoBA vice president, Gilbert Khunwane told Mmegi Sport that they have never talked to Kenosi about her engagement with the media.

“Even during our meeting with her on June 6, the media never cropped up,” he said.

When asked about her diet, Khunwane said he doubts that Kenosi is allowed to eat only vegetables. He said the boxer met with a dietician to come up with an eating plan for her.

“Kenosi is busy training well with the focus on losing weight. We have never threatened to drop her from the team. The main worry is on her making the weight,” Khunwane said.  

Kenosi reached global spotlight after she became the first female boxer in the world to qualify for the Tokyo Olympic Games.

She is also the first female Botswana Olympian outside athletics since the country started participating in the games in 1980.

But ever since her achievement, it has not been an easy journey for the boxer and speculations are rife that she intends to quit upon her return from the Olympics.

Meanwhile, Khunwane said the rest of the team has been training well but the challenge now is the spread of COVID-19 in the camp.