
Taking Health & Wellness To The Corporate World


She sees her service in the society as more of a catalyst for health and wellness, especially to the ever-busy urban workforce.

The urban life, according to Setimela comes with its own pressures and stress that weigh negatively on the state of the body and mind, eventually affecting how one’s body and mind functions and its output at the work place.

While she appreciates the buzz across the corporate sector and government departments about the value of wellness, which has resulted in organisations and government departments hosting wellness day events, Setimela is worried that in most cases these are just fruitless exercises because more often the coordinators of these events are no experts in the field of wellness and health.

And she is showing just what health and wellness is all about after winning the tender to manage the forthcoming wellness day for the PPADB.

Her company has forged partnerships with Meriting  medical clinic, that will be performing health screening on the participants, while a physical trainer in the field of  Zomba will be taking the participants through their paces with dance inspired workouts.

There will also be a professional counsellor to attend to the participants’ emotional well being. A Dietician, will also be part of the wellness day activities advising the workers on health and nutrition.

Setimela says she also has a farm in the outskirts of the city where corporate entities can opt to take their employees for refreshing sessions.

Located at Riverwalk, Setimela’s Beauty Spar that has been in existence for five years now, is steadily projecting itself as a health and beauty joint rolled into one.

Her clients also come here to shed off fats  without necessarily pumping iron. Her fat burning machine, known as slim line, helps clients tone and slim using the sonar blankets, slim line, and diet plan.

While a similar facility the sonar helps clients shed off fats by making them sweat, and sweat as they read newspapers and drink water in their heat-powered enclosures.

Her herbal bed, yes, stuffed with herbs provides therapeutic massage as herbs penetrate deep into muscle tissues for maximum relaxation and relieving of tension.

“It is a place where people come to relax, revitalise, rejuvenate, no touching of phones, they put on the gown and sleep here while our team of well trained massage therapists work on the body”.

Setimela says her waterbed, another of her massage beds, is ideal for working men. “It improves blood circulation, and releases muscle tension, as it relaxes the body”. 

Setimela says ailments such as arthritis have been found to be responding well to this type of massage.

Another bed uses warm stones with aromatherapy oils. They call it royalty massage.

As The Monitor team tours the various room services, a couple is relaxing on massage chairs with feet dipped in water with salts. The couple have been there for sometime now, and the husband says it was his first experience. He talks of the good effect of being massaged by the chair and the healing effect of being massaged on the toes of his feet.

The woman who works on him has a theory about toes as fibres that connect to all the vital systems of the body.

The therapist tells him that as he is being massaged on each toe blood circulation to every part of the body is being rejuvenated. The client seems to concur, for at the end of the whole process, he proclaims to be feeling youthful again.