
FCC repossesses undeveloped plots

She warned plot owners about the impending repossession early this year.

She revealed that 38 undeveloped Self Help Housing Agency (SHHA) residential plots without title deeds will be advertised in the Daily News this week, and 104 with title deeds have been recommended for repossession to the Lands Department.

“When I warned people in the previous council meeting they thought we were joking.

We have taken a drastic decision to allow people capable of developing these plots a chance to own land,” she said.

In addition to the waiting list, SHHA plots stand at approximately 29,000.

Muzila said over 1,265 plots remain undeveloped in the city with Gerald Estates accounting for more undeveloped plots with 1,168.

Most of the plots have surpassed their two-year development period according to the mayor.

Muzila warned that they would continue to do the same with commercial and industrial plots.

She said undeveloped industrial plots hamper the city’s efforts to attract investors.

The mayor noted that the council has for a long time remained silent, without taking action against those who do not develop plots allocated to them for a longer period of time.

She stated that in an effort to help the less privileged members of the society, the Botswana Housing Corporation (BHC) has so far handed over 15 houses to beneficiaries. The remaining two houses are still under construction at plastering stage.

On other issues, Muzila revealed that the construction of a secondary school at the Gerald Estates, which was halted due to unavailability of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), is currently at 20 percent.

“Of course this has impacted negatively on the progress as it was supposed to be at 58 percent according to the planned programme,” Muzila said.

She explained that the project team has been urged to do all they can to catch up with time so that the school can be used as planned.

The construction of staff housing for the secondary school is nearing completion.