
Furore over the firing of a white manager

The managers who instituted disciplinary action against Khoemacau’s risk manager, Fanie Terre Blanche have received a warning from the SA top brass to stay away from their man and the matter has seen racial tensions brewing at the Ngamiland based mine.

According to a source, it was after Terre Blanche had skipped the country that the mine bosses from across the border, started warning the local managers.

Terre Blanche was due for disciplinary action after local managers traced the root of their health troubles to the water source that he recommended.The workers had complained of stomach cramps and other illnesses over a period of three months.

Even then, Terre Blanche allegedly deliberately concealed the results of the water analysis at the site leading to the entire workforce continuing to drink what was possibly contaminated water.

The managers discovered  from the test results that disease-causing bacteria polluted the water.

According to a Khoemacau human resources official, the site has no permanent water supply. Initially the company received its water supplies from a Maun-based bottling company, but later decided to set up their own source. Terre Blanche presided over the setup of a water treatment solution for drinking.  It was soon after then that the employees allegedly started getting stomach cramps.

The situation got worse in May, according to the local managers, when it became apparent that more of the workforce was getting sick from drinking the water.

According to another employee who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of victimisation said that Terre Blanche had refused to improve the system despite the growing health concerns.

He alleges that in May Terre Blanche told the employees off when they complained about the water.

It was then that the employees called for intervention from their superiors based in South Africa, but to no avail, which led to them instituting the disciplinary action.

Khoemacau operations manager, Mompati Babusi could only confirm the departure of Terre Blanche. He also confirmed that Terre Blanche was facing a serious charge of misconduct.

He said: “The risk manager was facing disciplinary action. The issue has caused divisions within the company.  We have a zero tolerance attitude towards infringement of the health and safety procedures and the Botswana Acts.”

Terre Blanche, as a risk manager, was responsible for the protection, safety and health of about 400 employees at the site.