On The Flipside

Overzealousness among charismatic churches is dangerous


Look, I’m not cynical about religion and Christianity. I’m just disturbed by the bizarre behaviour, which is seemingly becoming the norm in our social landscape as depicted by the overzealousness we see in charismatic churches. 

I’m not sure when we as a society developed a morbid obsession with miracles. What purpose do they serve? Is prosperity and prophecy gospel all about “miracles”? Whatever happened to integrity and hard work? 

Are all these deeds Godly faith or just “some” faith? 

Last week I saw a very funny cartoon in one newspaper. In the depiction, a plumber was climbing a ladder trying to fix something on the roof but spotted a slithering snake hovering above him. The frightened and shaking man spoke on the phone saying:

‘Pastor, how do I turn the snake into a Lunch Bar?’ 

From eating grass, drinking petrol and calling semen holy milk, we have been shocked enough by so-called miracles peddled by some charismatic church pastors. Perhaps it’s true that the world is coming to an end.

Christians say that in Revelations of the Bible, it is mentioned that in the last days, there will be fake pastors who will use the Lord’s name in vain.

As usual, with pranks such as eating grass and snakes, some claim they are miraculously healed of blindness, lame legs or whatever ailment is troubling them, while others fall sick and rush to their toilet, only to pile there like sardines in a can, vomiting. 

Several years ago, some people in Malawi who had drowned after trying to walk on water to prove their faith. A few of them drowned because they didn’t know how to swim. They were referred to as ‘overzealous believers’.

My grandmother, who was a great teacher of life, and stern Christian married to a priest, warned me to a Believer but not overzealous. I have kept that in mind.

I don’t proclaim to know the Bible well but as someone who comes from a Christian family, was raised by unwavering Christians, attended church for many years in my formative years and was baptised and confirmed in the church, I know enough to argue that they have derailed from basic biblical practice.

It beats me how even those who have spent many years apparently studying the word of God and having stepped from university podiums with qualifications that assume them learned can accept worship that is reduced to an exhibition show and often time a frenzy of dancing, shouting and odd behaviours presented as “miracles”. 

It’s unfortunate that some “believers” continue to be misled by morally bankrupt preachers, who have around their fingers like armour of unrelenting “believers” who I suspect they are hypnotised. 

Interestingly, these “believers” curse and threaten those who don’t share their beliefs because they have been delusioned by dangerous ideas perpetuated by self-deluded impostors. 

Blasphemy isn’t castigating so-called believers but using God’s name in vain to fulfil agendas that are not in line with His Word. 

We seem to have inadvertently opened a door through which con pastors can easily sneak in and disrepute to the Lord’s name under the banner of evangelicalism. The result is the separation between the pastor and biblical exposition.

Some “men of God” have taken on an authority that is independent of the voice of God in the biblical scriptures. This individual can tell you to do anything under the guise that God has spoken to them.

Once this individual has the congregation eating from the palm of his hands, he could soon have them eating grass outside, munching on rats and giving him they’re hard earned money! 

On a lighter note, the way some overzealous believers are behaving, they might soon start eating human flesh; cannibalism will be the order of the day. 

My dear reader, the source of my fear is that since I’m nice and plump, they might want to start with my kind, saying: Tla re simolole ka ba ba spirigwana ba.

In a continent where some people kill albinos claiming they bring luck charm and ritual murderers who believe intimate parts can create powerful medicine, it wouldn’t shock me.

Ke raa…go setse hela gore ba re je!