Opinion & Analysis

The mystery of heaven and immortality (Part 2)

The rather more informed will point to either to the body or to the space around them, and we will soon why they are correct. Last week, in Part 1, we explained how and why we came to look to the sky for divine intervention. We found that it had nothing to do with where God resides and everything to do with ancient flesh-and-blood gods who descended on Earth, the home they had previously abandoned after escaping a series of planetary cataclysms here and elsewhere in our solar system.

We also explained in some detail how space-ships were the all-important means by which the elite of these gods not only escaped planetary cataclysms, but attained their illusion of “immortality”. Thus, we will not repeat ourselves this week. Biblically, these space-ships were called “shems” (sha-im: “fiery ones”) in Hebrew, and “vimanah” (di-ma-ana: “those of heaven”) in the Vedas scriptures of India. Keeping mankind away from these vessels was the gods’ obsession, and even since Eden, in pre-Flood times, their “heaven”, and the “immortality” it conferred, were placed out of reach of “mortals”: it remained the domain of the gods alone. 

Indeed, nowhere in the Old Testament did the gods, then posing as “God” so as to present a united and fearsome front to the people, outrightly promise “heaven” to anyone. In reality, Yahweh only promised his chosen, the Israelites, that his shem (the “Glory of God”) will one day remain parked his Temple as a sign that he is with them forever – no longer an “absentee god”. In those “end days”, he reassured them, peace will reign (“the wolf will lie with the lamb”) and people will live to over a hundred years (note: not “forever” – see Isaiah 65:17-20). Of course, those who are especially favoured might, like Enoch or Ezekiel or Elijah, even get to be taken up to heaven where, like Yahweh, they too might live forever. That was it. Otherwise, only Sheol (the grave) awaited; no heaven and hell and, before Daniel 12:2, no “resurrection of the dead” at some appointed time in the future.

In fact, the aim of the Daniel Blueprint, we explained in other articles, was to strip the Eastern religions that were emerging in those days of their cardinal elements, and eventually forge a new hybrid religion. A physical “resurrection”, it was planned, would keep people waiting for a “heaven to come” instead of the good news that every Saviour brought; that Heaven is within you and already at hand. So, even today, doctrine cannot decide where the soul goes after death while awaiting this day: is it dead, asleep, with God in heaven, or “in the bosom of Abraham”? It is now time to reveal where true Heaven really is.

The real heaven, my research shows, is as defined by mystics. There was a time when ordinary people had no handle at all to even begin to grasp where it lay. Jesus likened it to the wind (John 3:8): it “listeth” (bends) trees; you hear its sound but do not see it. But now Science – and specifically the technology of radio and television – has provided us with a useful template. We are now aware that there is more to life than what we see, touch and hear (visible spectrum); that all around us whole, unseen worlds are vibrating undetected by our senses. All it takes is a transistor of sorts to convert what is unseen and ghostly (e.g. radio and TV waves) to our spectrum of sight and sound, and we can attune to whole new experiences created by radio and TV. Such is Heaven; it is a world – in fact worlds – that are vibrating at a higher frequency than what we see, feel and hear.

Even armed with this, Heaven is still very difficult to both explain and comprehend. It all begins, mystics tell us, with the All-Source. “He” is pure energy; the power to be and do: a pool of infinite possibility. As even physics will now tell you, “It” cannot be created or destroyed and nothing exists outside of “It”. When It is still, there is nothing. When It moves in random patterns, there is chaos. When It moves in harmonic vibrations, order and creation emerge. Vibrations are typically in the form of sound and light, which is why John speaks of the Word (the Sound) and the Light that created everything.

As with TV waves, someone or something must broadcast and control the waves. That Supreme Broadcaster is the Father. He creates heaven, worlds, out of this vibrating energy, this All-Source, just like DSTV can create interesting programs in different channels. Each, of course, broadcasts in a different frequency. Do these different programs clash with each other? No. These worlds, these programs, remain distinct and intact notwithstanding being in one space, one room: the wonder of frequency.

Under the Father, there are Six Heavens, each controlled by a Demiurge whom we may equate to a broadcasting station. Next, the Father created one more wonder: a receiver, the Soul. It comprises two primary faculties: the surat to catch the Sound, and the nirat to catch the Light. They are consciousness, Life. Next, we needed a transistor – the mind; a knob able to tune into different frequencies, namely the Seven Heavens. Ours, in short, is presently locked onto the lowest frequency…but if this same mind was taught how to tune up, it would find itself captivated by other worlds of increasing glamour.

Such is the Path that Jesus trod and taught about – a Path now termed “occult” so as to keep us locked onto this plane of existence. The Way to the Father is thus hidden in plain sight; inside the body. But, in order to reach Him, it means forsaking Six Heavens, each in turn, for the sole want of Him. Now, tell me, if we are reluctant to forsake even this dreadful planet, this cruel and ephemeral plane of existence, how are we going to transcend the Astral World, let alone the Higher Astral worlds, the Causal Plane, and even Trikuti? Only with the help of a Living Guide; a Saviour; no other way.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com