
Clash of the comedians

The comedy show, which is in its first year of inception, will feature old and upcoming comedians.

The line up comprises of; Umaga, Legusty, Bambino, Nigma, Ouza and Olekanye.

Speaking to Arts&Culture event organiser and comedian, Katlo ‘K-Lo’ Lekgowe, stated that the show has been put together for comedians to present their new materials that they have been working on.

“The idea is to present all fresh jokes and concepts that our comedians have, as a way of campaigning for bookings in future shows,” he said.

He further said the event is a build up to the presidential competitions since a number of comedians will be participating there.

The 3rd Degree Comedy Night will also be hosted in Francistown at the end of the month. 

“We are hopeful that we will tour other cities and towns in the coming years,” he said.

He said that the event is a general comedy show and comedians will not be awarded prices.  However, the audience will be given an opportunity to choose their favourite act of the night.

Nigma, who is the only female act on the line up, said she has been working on a number of new concepts and material that she will unleash during the show.

“I will not say much, but the audience should expect the unexpected,” Nigma said.