Opinion & Analysis

Unearthing the primordial roots of m�en

In all my unearthing of the ancient roots of “men”, of peoples, even of Setswana, I have not encountered a more misunderstood and misapplied word. Today, we clarify this key word which reverberates in both secular and biblical history; a word that, once again, cannot be fully unpacked without Setswana.

The perfect start-off point is the Pre-Flood Sumerian Kings List. Sumer – now mostly Iraq – was the site of the oldest known civilisation with arguably the oldest known writing: cuneiform. Cuneiform was etched onto soft clay tablets that were then baked for preservation. Some of them were written six thousand years ago and more – long before Genesis was put together. They recount events right at the dawn of civilisation: a time, they allege, when flesh-and-blood gods ruled our planet.

What revealed that these “gods” were flesh-and-blood? In the accounts, gods married, had children, bled in wars, and died. Yet, in spite of this, they referred to themselves as “immortals”, and we will soon see why.

The Pre-Flood Sumerian Kings List begins thus: “When kingship came down from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu. A.LU.LIM was its ruler. He reigned 8 Sar. Then A. LAL.GAR reigned 10 Sar . (Two kings ruled it 18 Sar)”. The list continues until it sums up: “Five cities, eight kings. They ruled 67 Sar. Then the Deluge (Flood) came down.” Out of the 8 kings, four of them had the epithet (royal name) “EN.MEN”. In Bad-Tibira, EN.MEN.LU.AN.NA ruled 12 Sar, followed by EN.MEN. GAL.AN.NA who ruled 8 Sar. In Larak, EN.ZIB.ZI.AN.NA ruled 8 Sar. In Sippar, EN.MEN.DUR.AN.NA ruled 6 Sar.

Here, we should know that one Sar equalled to 3600 years!  Thus, 10 Sars of rule (the average) is 36 000 years! Now, this is exactly why these “god-kings” were seen as mythical even though the post-Flood Sumerian Kings List is largely verified as historical fact. Should we believe the pre-Flood Kings List? Actually, there is no mystery to it.

The “AN” in their names means “heaven” and this is where a proper, scientific reason for their extraordinary lifespan comes in; why the gods saw themselves as “immortal”. But let us first unbundle the term “EN.MEN”.

It is well-understood that EN is Sumerian for “lord”. This easily equates to ene (“The Main One” or “He Himself”) in Setswana. Me in modern Setswana – as in me-raka; me-koko (cattle-posts; cocks) – is a plural prefix. Thus, “MEN” (me-ene) is “lords” and “EN.MEN” is “lord of lords”: a king. Indeed, “EN.KI” is well-known to mean “Lord of Earth (KI)”, and EN.LIL means “Lord of the Illu (gods)”. Thus, since ata in AT.EN (Aten) and “add” in AD.ON (“Adonis” in Greek, “Adonai” in Hebrew) both mean “multiply (be fertile)”, and Ene and One (ON) mean the same in Setswana, these, it now proves, were but one god known as SU.EN (Sin) in Sumer: the “Multiplying God”! And since males were seen as “lords” over females, me-en is no doubt the root of the English term “men”.

In the Sumerian tablet Ode to Inana, a post-Flood Sumerian king called Culgi, proclaims: “Culgi, me-en, cag-ta ur saj, me-en”. Orthodox [but erroneous] translations say: “Culgi was a hero already in the womb”, but I have [correctly] retranslated it to “Culgi, my lords, cannot come to be one who does not ‘eat’, my lords” (Culgi, me-ene,’kake ga ta gore ‘sa-je’, me-ene).

 There are many layers of naughty meanings here, but one thing remains. Culgi was not addressing ordinary “mortals”; he was directly addressing the gods (“my lords”) – half-appealing to them to be reasonable, as my own retranslation of the 102-line poem coherently shows. My retranslations will indeed show up current orthodox translations as chancy and laughable…

Let us now address the question of why the gods lived so long. In fact, the main reason why orthodoxy relegates the excellent work of Zecharia Sitchin to “pseudoscience” and “pseudo-scholarship” is because his explanation of why the gods appeared to live thousands of years (and thus “immortals”) is, indeed, rather glib. Yet, legend does suggest that the pre-Flood (pre-10983 BC) god Marduk (Baal or Bel or Belus) had only just died in the time of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)! Similarly, Revelation 9:11 reveals that Apollyon (Apollo), whose abba (father) is Adon(is/ai), as AB.ADDON means, was the ruling “angel” (god) who unlocked the “bottomless pit” and led out a swarm of invading “locusts” in AD times!

The gods, whose unbelievably advanced but ancient technology is periodically unearthed in fossils hundreds of millions of years old (as I have shown in prior articles), guarded two major secrets. The first was space flight. Modern science shows that time warps and becomes extremely slow, relative to earth-time, inside an accelerating space rocket – which is why the gods regularly went to “heaven” to “extend” their lifespan: a brilliant illusion. Secondly, and as symbolised by their intertwined-snakes symbol now adopted by medicine, they long understood the double-helix of chromosomes, and even where the elusive “longevity” gene is located. Once all this is basically understood (yes, there is more), then the extraordinary longevity of the pre-Flood god-kings is suddenly not so ridiculous…

“Me-ene” in the Book of Daniel (5:25-26) does not mean “deficient” or “traitorous”. The correct translation of mene-mene tekel u-Pharsin is: “My lords! My lords! Please beware! (Setswana: the, kelleloa!) Persians!”  Evidently, an alarmed servant too diffident to disturb the laughing, feasting royals resorted to anonymously writing the warning on the wall (the “invisible hand”) as Medo-Persians amassed outside. I also sometimes see “Amun-Ra” written as “Amen-Ra” by less knowledgeable Egyptologists. “Amun”, the good ones know, means “unseen” (ha-o-mmone in Setswana).

 A-me-en (“to the gods” – now “amen”) was not “so be it”; it was a closing invocation of the very gods that Hebrews, fresh from Egypt, had not yet forgotten…

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com