
Bok knocks out Pelane in the first round

Kgomotso 'Bok Machine' Bok
Kgomotso 'Bok Machine' Bok

Bok started the bout on a disciplined note, studying his opponent. Pelane on the other hand started on a high note, throwing effortless jabs and hooks. After a minute of battling each other in the ring, Bok trapped Pelane in his own corner gave him left and right hooks. He then hammered him with another left punch that knocked out Pelane.

Pelane spent a few seconds down as the referee signaled the end of the fight in a space of one minute 45 seconds as Bok celebrated the second TKO of his career, thus leaving his fans in a loud roar.

“If the fight had lasted more rounds, it was going to be a nice battle but like I said yesterday, I was going to finish this fight before the third round,” said Bok after the boxing match. He further stated that if he had not knocked out Pelane, there were possibilities that he was the one who was going to face the same situation.

The 26-year-old boxer, who is intending to break into the international scene, has increased his winning tally to four with only a loss from five professional fights.

Pelane was quick to admit that he was caught off guard when Bok sent him home early. “He caught me off guard and he got me real good,” Pelane admitted. He stated that he recovered quickly and he was fit enough to go for more rounds if it was possible.

Meanwhile, the encounter between Patrick Seoko and Mates Jonas of Namibia ended in a draw. The tournament, which was made possible by Bond Boxing Promotion, will return in June at a venue and date yet to be announced.