
BBC news documents Skinflint

Filming of a documentary on local heavy metal band Skinflint by BBC crew. PIC: KEBOFHE MATHE
Filming of a documentary on local heavy metal band Skinflint by BBC crew. PIC: KEBOFHE MATHE

The 30 minutes documentary shooting was well attended by the loyal rock n roll fans, who came in large numbers well geared and energetic the whole time dancing to the sounds of Overthrust, Wrust and Skinflint.

The two bands were selected by Skinflint to be part of the documentary. Overthrust and Wrust each played 45 minutes while Skinflint had 1 hour 30mins to entertain the energetic crowd who danced to the music for hours. 

While the other bands played heavy sound, Skinflint did classical heavy and powerful soft rock sounds.

According to BBC news travel reporter Ade Adepitan, the documentary, which will be showcased next month will help unleash the beauty of the African continent especially Botswana.

“It is so fascinating because I never expected to see Africans doing this American music. Its so unique, they are fusing African culture with the American sound.” he said

Adepitan noted that he learned about Skinflint while doing research on the Internet, because they wanted to make a human interest documentary about Africa, especially unearth stories that people do not talk about or either associate with. Skinflint manager, Ivo Sbrana, said that the opportunity would help them penetrate the international market because BBC news has a wide following.

“BBC approached us to do a documentary on the heavy metals scene and we threw a show to help them see how it is done and we are very grateful for such a huge turn up,” he said.

The four-piece band, which recently released their fourth album titled Nyemba, comprises of three males and a young woman.

In addition to Ivo Sbrana there is his son Giuseppie Sbrana who is a guitarist as well as vocalist, Sandra Sbrana the only female member of the band who plays drums as well as Kebonye Nkolose who plays the base guitar.

Apart form the local shows, Skinflint has performed internationally in Sweden, Kenya as well as South Africa. The Germany based Pure Still Company does their distribution. Locally there are over 12 rock’n roll groups.