
Local riders� fears allayed

Swaziland trip on: Mokone
Swaziland trip on: Mokone

There were fears that local riders that include Motsomi Lekone, Tiro Otlogetswe and Kevin Tyrer, would not take part at the event because the association had not provided the letters by press time. “We do not know what is happening. We have registered for the event, booked for accommodation and other things, but it looks like we might miss this event because the association has not given us the letters,” one of the riders told Mmegi Sport. 

Modisaeman, however, said the delay was caused by the fact that in the letter, they have to include information about insurance cover for the riders. He said they were waiting for an insurance company to provide details about the liability insurance cover for the riders, which is a requirement to enter the race.

“These letters are needed when one is taking part in an event outside the country, but we cannot issue it without the information on the insurance cover for these riders. We are in the process of helping the riders and there is no problem really,” he said.  He said as a new federation, they are also not immune to certain challenges, but added that they are aiming to take the sport to greater heights. He said his committee will do everything to support its affiliates.