Opinion & Analysis

The sleeping giants


They are intelligent beings from outside our world, with potential and the awesome power to eliminate human life on Earth.

The bubonic plague of 1348-1352 wiped out a huge population of Europe 700 years ago. The influenza virus of 1918-1919 claimed about 500 million lives in the world in a short space of about six months. Scientists remain puzzled as to how the virus started at the same time of 1918 in different continents, as if it had been hibernating in the humans just ready to burst out at a given time. The recent Ebola pandemic claimed about 10,000 lives in West Africa within a short space of time in 2014. The small Botswana population is evidently dwindling from “strange” deaths whose real cause is not known. Something out there, not readily seen is picking people one after the other.

There are theories that say that some parasites migrated to the Earth from planet Saturn (amongst others) transported in comets or space debris like aliens consciously riding spaceships. The microscopic appearance of many, and the magnitude of damage they cause, do indeed match the human picture of the creature we call Satan in the various cultures of the world. A certain vibration of the organism cells defines the blueprint of their lives. Each organism including humans has its own vibration (a frequency) – like a radio station, for lack of a better description. Parasites too have their own life vibrations.

When the vibration (radio station) of our human body falls below a certain threshold, the parasites within mutate (wake up) to possess and take over life of the human body, including manipulation of thoughts and behaviour of the host. The person then becomes physically ill and behaves “strange”, as if possessed by an alien being. Many people of today have evidently lost their humanity. They appear “human” only because they still retain a human form; but inwardly, their bodies and consciousness have been usurped by one or more intelligent parasites in a manner analogous to the machinations of a computer virus. Those with discerning eyes recognise the demons within, hovering an aura of their form above and around their hosts. The human body vibration is regulated by emotions from the heart (maikutlo) and concomitant thoughts. The consciousness of fear, envy, jealousy, greed, hatred, anger, ignorance, arrogance, lies, corruption and all the other vile attributes of mankind that may be termed “witchcraft”, radiate a low vibration, which directly causes stress of the human body and stress of the society organism. The stress levels rise until the human vibrations fall below a certain threshold, where the dormant parasites in and around us mutate (wake up) to wreak havoc. We then see a new “strange” disease that goes by many names (Diabetes, Cancer, Aids, Ebola etc.), insidiously culling off the world population because our emotions have “awoken a sleeping Giant”. The name alone of the disease (whether it is there or not) instils devastating terror that paves fate for the frightened individual. Mainstream science is slowly acknowledging the truth that almost every disease has its roots in: (a) emotions and (b) one or more parasites, with the former invigorating the latter in the body.

The political systems and social norms of this world are conspicuously incongruous with Nature. Their conflict with the mysteries of creation imposes stress to the individual’s life and society organism until our lowered vibration falls below that of various dormant parasites as indicated above. The stress levels of the First World War awoke the influenza virus. The stress levels of the 1300’s awoke the bubonic plague likely to return in our time according to cycles of sevens and tens (7, 70, 700)- maybe in a different form. The stress levels of today shall likewise resurrect another sleeping giant when the cycles of time and karma converge.

The messages in the Georgia Guide Stones convey how the world population shall necessarily be maintained fewer than 500 million people (from the present day 7 billion) to leave room forNature. The messages are consistent with the apocalyptic mural painted at Denver International airport Colorado USA, which reveals the alternative scenarios by which depopulation is likely to unfold.

There is a plethora of consistent voices all around the world, engraved in monuments and prophecy. The wars, rumours of war, betrayals and other signs which Jesus Christ spoke about (Matthew 24) happening today are harbingers (birth pains) that are fated to push stress levels of society to the appointed threshold, where the Sleeping Giants within and around us shall ultimately awake. They awake: (a) to cull this generation according to prophecy, and (b) usher a renaissance akin to new green grass (pilo) that grows after a congested forest has burnt down (From the Horse’s Mouth p 79-80; 315-318). Thus are the workings of Nature! Christ knew and did warn:

“Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew chapter 23 verses 31-33)

“Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew chapter 24 verse 34-35).