
SESC establishes committee to over timely project completion


Council chairman Phenyo Segokgo revealed during a council meeting on Monday that one project that needs to be completed speedily is the Bamalete Stadium, which he said has been dragging for some time.

“The issue of Bamalete Stadium has been dragging on for some time, so the council considers it as a matter of importance to consult further with Balete for the purpose of finding most beneficial project under the circumstances to undertake. “We acknowledge consultation meetings that have been undertaken in the past with Balete concerning this matter, and we believe they should be continued further,” Phenyo said.

He said though their budget has its own limitations, the council’s vision is the right armour to achieve all they strive for.

Segokgo said council is at the initial stage of constructing the bus and taxi rank in Tlokweng.

“I feel we should expedite our efforts in implementing this initiative to realise its maximum benefits,” he said. 

Another project council has earmarked to be developed through the Public Private Partnership model is the development of Magope recreational park in Ramotswa.

He said the project was planned for during the District Development Plan 6, but could not be carried forward during the current plan period due to budgetary constraints.

Segokgo said a brief update on the project is that an Invitation to tender has been formulated and will be forwarded to relevant   procurement structures once completed.

“Additionally, Council has forwarded an application for the lease agreement to Malete Land Board (MLB) for consideration.

“It is my hope that MLB will give us a positive response to expedite implementation of this project as soon as possible.”

Segokgo further stressed that their council has a comparative advantage over most Councils due to its proximity to Gaborone and as such those district councils in the vicinity of the city would feel the trickle down effects emanating from developments in the city, either negative or positive.

“One of the ways we could benefit and increase our revenue is through implementation of the property rate tax.

It should be realised that this tax is a pure legally based commodity, which requires explicit compliance with the existing laws.

“Rates Regulations are still to be finalised for ease of rating properties by council.

“It should be further noted that the enforcement of various laws in the district doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be smooth sailing once the Rates Regulations are in place,” he said.