
Jaguars ready for rugby debut

Greener pasturers: Jaguars (in blue) battle it out against Zeerust Rugby Club in South Africa over the weekend
Greener pasturers: Jaguars (in blue) battle it out against Zeerust Rugby Club in South Africa over the weekend

The rugby team, which was recently promoted to the top tier,  played a friendly match against Zeerust Rugby Club from South Africa and lost 17-0 over the weekend.

Jaguars coach, Takunda Mhonda, a former national Under-19 coach, told Mmegi Sport the youthful team is fit enough to face top teams. Critics have argued it was still too early for the college team to play in the top-flight.

 “We have assessed all our players and they are fit to take part in the league,” he said, adding they will use their young players to advantage in terms of speed and strength.

He said the team is a mixture of students and senior players such as Tuelo Mafokate, Rambo Masaila, Maitlamo Motshwane and Kaone Mogotsi who have played top-flight rugby for teams such as the UB Rhinos.

As the team looked strong particularly in the forward pack department,  Perhaps he is also emboldened by the fact that the Jaguars are the reigning high schools champions.

Mhonda said they are looking to settle in their debut season before fighting for better positions in the coming seasons.

Team manager, Feddy Mutenheri said they decided to move to the A-Division as they have been producing a number of professional players.

“This pushed us to revamp the school team into a professional side because we have seen that we have so much potential,” he said.

Mutenheri admitted the team’s participation in the A-Division league will not be a walk in the park, but they are looking forward to a competitive season. He said they need more financial help though the team is currently being assisted by Vincent Excellent transport. The team uses the college’s rugby field as their home ground.