Opinion & Analysis

Digging Tswana Roots - The lake of fire awaiting the Beast

Revelation is very difficult to understand mainly due to the symbols – often multi-layered – that pepper the book. These symbols are even harder to decipher and interpret without the power of Setswana to unlock the proto-meaning of many biblical names; without a comprehensive Truth-Matrix to reference by. Harder still, is the little-known fact that John was a Gnostic who was highly critical of the way Jesus’ message had been hijacked by the very forces that opposed and crucified him. Had he spoken out more clearly, Revelation would have been banished to the Apocrypha – books ejected from the Canon.

In this article, I will focus solely on re-explaining and unbundling, in summary form, the symbols used by John. Since Revelation is the book that exposes – unseals – the ‘prophetic’ agenda encoded (sealed) in the Book of Daniel, it inevitably makes use of some of the symbols therein. But it is incorrect, I have revealed in this column, to say that Revelation is a supportive continuation of Daniel. Beginning with the Seven Spirit of the Churches in Chapter Two, these symbolise and represent the deliberate, contrived and intended stages of degrading Jesus’ message sparked off by Paul.

The intent of the Ephesus Church was to subtly efface Jesus teachings with Paul’s doctrines (“those”, John warns in Rev. 2:2, “who call themselves apostles, [but] they are not”) and it pairs with the ‘white horse’ of Rev. 6:2. ‘Horse’ symbolises ‘proselytization’ and colour symbolises the means of doing that; whether non-violent (white), bloody (red), deceitful and obscuring (black) or outwardly ‘drained of blood’ (pale, ashen) yet deadlier still. The ‘seven seals’ that bind the sealed book are the stages in which the Daniel agenda will unfold from Paul’s time (after he had killed Stephan, one of the last great Gnostics).

   The 24 elders (Rev. 4:4) represent members of the Pantheon of Twelve ‘gods’ (an ancient elite) that has ruled mankind since time immemorial, along with its outer shadow government that does its bidding. The four beasts (or ‘living creatures’:  Rev. 4:6-8) represent the transition from Babylon (the lion) when these ‘gods’ ruled openly, to Egypt (I-sira-El) the intended bastion of ‘monotheism’ (symbolised by the ‘golden calf’ the Jews had to abandon), to the man (symbolising a new god-like figure – first Jesus, then his ‘earthly representative’ the Pope), and finally the United States (flying eagle: the new seat of the Pantheon, now called not Illui (Sumerian/Babylonian), Eloi (Hebrew) or Ba-Loi (Setswana), but ‘Illuminati’). Having eyes all around and within (Rev. 4:8) indicate that they see everything by global surveillance. ‘Angel’ (Rev. 2- 3, 7-10, 14-20) indicates a powerful or empowered individual within their system. ‘Heaven’ symbolises either the abode of ‘gods (Illuminati) or of God depending on context, and the meaning is often layered to seem to apply to either.

 ‘Beast’ (Rev. 13-14, 17-19) represents a political power (see Daniel 7:17, 23) and having a crown or diadems shows that it is also a religious power. Wind’ (Rev. 7:1) symbolises war and strife. ‘Sea’ (Rev. 17:15) represents multitudes and nations; ‘earth/ground’ represents the cultures and firm beliefs of a people. Thus, when a sharp sickle (Rev. 14:16) is thrust into the ground it symbolises that the culture (a new outlook) is being cultivated or prepared. The ‘grapes’ of Rev 14:18-20 refer to the Jews and the ‘vine’ thereof is that which binds them; their religion. Being harvested by another sickle means that Jews are decimated, crushed by a winepress ‘horse’ – a means of proselytization – which is Nazi propaganda.

‘The third part of men’ means Europe (‘First’ was Sumer, ‘Second’ was Egypt, ‘Europe’ is Third and the Fourth (Rev. 6:8) means the Holy Land – just as the four living creatures embody: except that USA is now the new, real ‘Holy Land’. The ‘plagues’ of Rev. 8:6-2 – much misunderstood – are not symbolic, but represent the direction of attack by several of the ten ‘barbarian’ tribes (ten ‘horns’ of the Beast of Rev. 3: 1) that plague the Roman Empire from AD 395 to 493, before ‘Christianised’ Rome overcame them in AD 584: Goths (earth and cold hailstorm) attacked from the cold north; Vandals by sea from the Mediterranean; Huns attacked Rome at its river strongholds (mainly the Danube and the Rhine), and the Heruli attacked and briefly conquered ‘heaven’ (the sun/sky) itself – Rome (in those days the Illuminati stronghold). The seven heads of the Beast (Rome) also represents the seven hills of Rome (Rev. 17:9).

Most importantly, ‘fire’ represents tone: a fiery, emotion-evoking, proselytising message. Thus the ‘Angel’ (Dietrich Eckart) who coached Hitler on how to pose and on speech delivery had ‘power over fire’. When the Beast and False Prophet are thrown into a ‘lake of fire’ we must understand that this means that a new fiery logic born of true understanding is going to burn up all false religion; outlooks based on error, blind bias and speciousness. The ‘double-edged sword’ that accompanies ‘fire’ (Rev. 1:16; 19:2) symbolises inescapable logic, thus it issues from the mouth like a tongue.

When ‘Rome’ (i.e. all those following Paul’s doctrines) are finally ‘burnt up’ and ‘cut to pieces’ (Rev. 18), it will be short and sharp – perhaps a great debate that will only take 15 days (one prophetic ‘hour;) to conclude. The ‘birds’ that feed on the remains represent the media and its ‘air’ power as they dissect Rome’s shame before all. Next week, we explore more symbols as we head towards the great target of all this: New Jerusalem.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com

Digging Tswana Roots (Vol. 166) by L.M. Leteane: