On The Flipside

Monna ga a betlwe!

Solange Knowles and her husband Alan Ferguson
Solange Knowles and her husband Alan Ferguson

Anyways, I went through the wedding pictures online and was a bit surprised. Firstly, this guy is way older than Solange. She is 28, and he is 51. Talk about “sugar daddy”! He is also not handsome. He looks good for an old man, yes, toned body and all, but goodness, between that Santa Claus beard and squirrel eyes, it’s a struggle to identify handsomeness…

For all their beauty, fame and money, the Knowles sisters seem to have peculiar tastes in men. I mean…Beyonce married Jay Z. I bet no one saw that one coming. Ok, fair enough, the man is cool and super-wealthy but goodness, he is facially challenged. I can bet some of you are rolling their eyes thinking I’m shallow. Yeah, to a certain extent, like most people are, yes. Between Kenneth Mashaba and Tyson Beckford, I would go with the latter, no questions asked! 

A few days ago, I discussed the “importance” of looks with several female acquaintances, and we were divided on the issue. Some attached importance to looks, for aesthetic and genetic reasons, while others felt it doesn’t matter because most people don’t choose how they look, anyways. I however picked up the interesting notion that handsome men aren’t boyfriend or marriage material. Gatwe ba ba maswenyana ke bone ba ba siameng. Many years ago, I read somewhere that women who marry ugly men are more likely to have happier longer lasting relationships and marriages. Really? 

From my observation, having a good-looking wife is one main reason husbands are more attentive, and motivated to make their marriage and relationships work. On the other hand, men who are better looking than their wives are more likely to take them for granted. 

Facially challenged men carry their weight in the relationship based on several factors like athleticism, reputation, personality and social status. Furthermore, men who aren’t perceived as handsome tend to be more outgoing with great personalities. In most cases, they offer emotional stability to their partners because they have a less pool of potential partners. I don’t entirely agree with this. From experience, the ugly guys cheat more, because sometimes dude wants to boost his ego or feel wanted by women. And you know, that’s painful…being cheated on by an ugly dude that is…

In that instance I would rather stick to the handsome men.  Most men, including the facially challenged, prefer beautiful women. Apparently having a stunning trophy girlfriend of wife soothes men’s egos. Many men, even the facially challenged, seem to feel entitled to have the most beautiful woman. Such men are often very confident. They remind me of apes, which have been scientifically proven to think that they are the most beautiful creatures on earth – that’s why they behave as they do - chest thumping, prancing around and all.

Interestingly, the ugly guys often get the real pretty girls. But there’s often something more to it. I have found that facially challenged men put more effort into courtship and dating because they don’t have the advantage of good looks. They refine their personality and work on their charm skills. They also work harder to make more money. We all know that once a man has a lot of money he can bang and bag any woman they want, right?

On the flipside, I think we all want different things from partnerships. Materialistic people obviously value money. The idealist on the other hand value love and all things soppy, while pragmatic ones like myself appreciate a combination of those, and whether they can live with this person.

When it comes to flings, obviously physical attractiveness is of paramount importance but when you are thinking long-term, you consider other things like personality and financial security. After all, you aren’t going to pay the bills with good looks, now, are you? Women are generally less shallow than men. Men see through their eyes, while women see through their ears. After much thought, I concluded that Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder. If a man loves and takes care of you, he’s good enough, right? Monna ga a betlwe!