
Boko responds to State of the Nation

Boko and Saleshando
Boko and Saleshando

Boko’s address will be his first in his new capacity following his party’s sweep to the main opposition role in the recent general elections.

It is understood that Boko and other UDC senior officials were gathering responses from Botswana Congress Party (BCP) in order to formulate the opposition response to State of National Address.

“ It is true Boko is responding to State of Nation Address today,” UDC chief whip Wynter  Mmolotsi said. Meanwhile parliament Leader of the House Mokgweetsi Masisi last Friday moved a motion which he called on suspension of Standing Order 99.1, which states that  “the committee of selection shall determine the number and appoint the members who shall serve on Standing Committees and Sessional Select Committees within three days after the commencement of a session.”

The Masisi motion was adopted as he wanted the committee of selection to be given time to appoint members to the various Parliamentary Committees.

Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) chief whip Fidelis Molao said the reason why the leader of the house moved this motion was because parliament started on Thursday and therefore there was no way they could have elected committees over the weekend.

“Though the dates of election committees have not been announced, I hope it will be done this week. Everything was delayed by the court case,” Molao said.

Mmolotsi shared the same sentiments, but added that there was no motive behind suspension of that Standing Order.

“There was no time to elect the committees and again opposition needed time also to respond to State Of Nation Address. Remember this, committees are elected by all parties’ chief whip, deputy speaker, speaker and the leader of the house. Committees are normally elected three days after parliament resumes,” Mmolotsi said.