
To whom does Israel really belong? Part 2

As we saw, it was all about shems (sha-im: “Fiery Ones” in Hebrew) – the rockets the ‘gods’ hid in silos carved inside three key mountains (Mt. Sinai, Mt. Moriah, and Mt. Lebanon) that enclosed Canaan, the Promised Land – now  present-day Israel. What ‘gods’? What rockets? We briefly explained, last week, that ‘gods’ (Baloi, the Eloi) were ancient, very advanced and ill-understood beings of flesh-and-blood whose marvellous technology (periodically unearthed in fossilised relics as old as 300 million years) we once called “boloi” (magic: but literally “the ways of the Loi”).

The reason they hid their technology was to appear as ‘gods’ – even God – before us, and shems were vital to all this. How?

Firstly, in times of a planetary cataclysm (e.g. when a comet or asteroid strikes Earth), rockets become vital escape-vessels to preserve, and later reseed, life – even human life. Secondly, as Meyer’s Handbook on Space explains, a crew spending just a few years inside an accelerating and decelerating rocket become ‘Ancient of Days’ as centuries, even millennia, pass by in Earth-time.

Upon their return, we ‘mortals’ are awed, easily associating ‘the heavens’ with ‘immortality’. Indeed, the awesome sight of a rocket billowing fire and smoke into the plains below (Exodus 19:16-18; 24:16-17) was the very “glory of God”.

Protection of the shems was Abraham’s main mission; his reason for occupying Egypt. Indeed, as neglected African records show (for example, those of the Luhya of East Africa), Egypt, in ancient times, was called ‘Misri’ (Mo-siri in Setswana: ‘protector’) and it relates seamlessly to ‘I-Sira-El’ (‘Protector of El’). Egypt, in short, was a buffer zone to isolate Africans from the shems in Canaan. Aptly, Abraham was from the ‘sacred’ line of Shem – the ancestor the ‘gods’ helped escape ‘the Flood’ of circa 11 000 BC (caused by the thawing of the Ice Age) which saw the sudden mass extinction of entire species of animal and plant.

All indications are that Shem’s descendants (the ‘People of the Shems’, the Shemitic (Semitic) people) lived in Aryan India, where Terah – Abraham’s father – was born. There, they were regarded as demi-gods – an image no doubt enhanced by the time-warping space trips they took courtesy of the gods. How can we know it was India?

It seems clear that each of the elite gods making up the ruling Pantheon of Twelve took turns to ‘rule the heavens’ for 2160 years – the exact length of a Precessional (Zodiac) Age. In short, when Aries (the Age of the Ram: 2160 to 0 AD) approached and it was the god Marduk’s turn to rule, a power struggle arose.

To effectively end all such future struggles for power, the gods decided to unite and promote ‘monotheism’ – under which they could all enjoy playing the ‘One True God’ (provided no one saw their faces during such acts). Marduk refused and was labelled a ‘false god’. Instead, Abraham, born BC 2123, was groomed as the new ‘Righteous Shepherd of Aries’ (hence ‘Arian/Aryan’), and his sacred duty was to spread the ‘fear of God’ while protecting the all-important shems hidden in Canaan.

 A century before, circa BC 2250, nuclear strikes in the Indian cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa (graphically described in the Mahabharata) had triggered a wave of White (‘demi-god’) emigration out of India, which people then settled mainly in Mesopotamia (Chaldea) and Europe.

Terah – Abraham’s father – chose to settle in ‘Ur of the Chaldeans’ and soon he was a trusted aide of the elite gods. His son A-Brahm eventually led crack ‘Aryan’ cavalry troops into Egypt, where he was to create a buffer zone. There, his troops were known as ‘Hyksos’: Sheep-Princes. The ‘Hyk’ (or Ryk) in Hyk-ku-sos means ‘rich’ or ‘kingly’; ku is sheep – (Tswana: n’ku).  

In Egypt, Abraham used the beauty of his wife Saraisvati (‘Sarai’ in Genesis 11:29; named after a river in India where their roots were) to first lure, then conquer, Mentuhotep I, king of Egypt. As pharaoh Mehibre-a-Kheti (the Chosen), he ruled all Egypt – which duly became ‘E-sira-El’.

His eponym Mohibiru (which his ‘Hebrew’ people inherited) was because his light ‘Aryan’ skin turned red in the sun (hibiru is ‘red’ in Setswana). Mehibre’s first-born son, the biblical Ishmael, was born to Hagar his Egyptian maid – who he named after the Hakar river, the humbler Indian tributary of the Saraisvati.

His next, favoured, god-blessed son was ‘Sheshi’ (a name lurking in the Egyptian Kings List): ‘Shishaq’ (She-tshego: ‘laughter’) in Hebrew, a.k.a. Itshege (Itsaq/Isaac), meaning “[now] laugh at yourself”). As Genesis 18:10-15 explains, all this was because an elderly Sarah (now Egypt’s Queen Seheratawy Intef, as their Kings List exposes) laughed when the Lord-of-the-gods told her she will bear a child.

Sheshi/Itsaq’s own son was Yakubher (Jacob), the Wikipedia unwittingly confirms. A god-blessed dynasty thus began in Egypt, the buffer zone.

But Abraham had little time to enjoy this. He was soon called to quell an uprising of Canaanite Kings who, spurred by Nabu, were making a move towards the sacred mountain sites. But even after their defeat they were not letting up, so all hell broke loose.

In BC 2024, nuclear strikes in Sodom and Gomorrah (where Marduk (Bel) and his son Nabu were thought to be hiding) ended their ambitions and Abraham could return to Egypt. But he found his wife deposed by Mentuohotep II. Abraham fought back but regained only Lower Egypt (the northern part) and this, effectively, became ‘Israel’ while the south (Upper Egypt) became ‘Egypt’. Next week, we see how all this played out to the critical time of David.

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