Opinion & Analysis

John Philip response

In light of the recent articles about myself published in Monitor newspaper dated October 13, 2014 where certain false allegations were made about me and also in light of the incessant phone calls and text messages from members of the public as well as some private organisations, my clients and other media houses, it is appropriate to make this statement to set the record straight.

In an effort to quell the onslaught of accusations, questions and confusion occasioned these articles, I present this statement as refutation of these allegations.

I categorically state that the allegations made in the articles are false. Investigations are under way to establish the possibility of any corruption or fraud involved in these false allegations and the alleged documents “showing that Reverend John Phillip has the intention to be a shareholder at BBT Institute University, and new information showing that a trading name was long approved last year.” Please note that, surprisingly, the newspaper has not quoted a single statement from the Registrar of Companies. The articles included serous and utterly false allegations that: documents indicating that I may be intending to register the society as a commercial college where I will be the sole shareholder, the appearance of documents showing that I have the intention to be a shareholder at BBT Institute University.

A trading name was long approved last year. That I, as the Principal have been telling them bad news I have made moves to overthrow the board. Replacing the board with five new names as well as suggesting five names extra, calling the entire board of the Bible college “corrupt”. I have also instructed my attorney of record, Ms. Linnet Mafukidze of Mafukidze Legal Practice to pursue the legal aspect of these false allegations and all future questions and queries will be handled by her and you can contact her at 3164030/72347306.

I wish to assure members of the public and my clients that we will do our best to get to the bottom of these false allegations.

Lastly, I wish to add that it is best for BBTI that it be served by a board comprising of various theological persuasions for we draw our students from all churches, all denominations in order to fulfill the vision and mandate of training and equipping church leaders.


Reverend John Phillip