
Let�s Pray For The Elections: But There Is A Demand!

The build up to these elections has been and continues to be like none other before. There have been accusations and counter accusations, and denials, the line between fact and fiction has become blurred to almost total inexistence.

The line between truth and lies depends on which side one is. While some have sold their souls, others have condemned themselves to blind praise poets.

There is fear and anxiety in the air, some do not even trust they will make it to the polling day. Some can smell blood in the air, while others are living in absolute fear.

The thing with fear is that it imprisons, it holds the one living within its invisible wall of doom making fear even their own shadows.

Whether or not there is something that threatens us, that threatens our lives and peace, allowing ourselves to voluntarily walk into the gates of the fear prison is not only self-defeating; it empowers the very things we are afraid of-real or perceived.

The Bible teaches that we should not be anxious about anything, instead in every situation, by prayer and petition we should present every request to God with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6).

When the nation is besieged by fear, the church should rise up and not partake in the fear-game prison.

The church, on the other hand, should not underestimate the reality, or otherwise, of the fear that is holding the nation hostage.

Fear has never been this real! Everyone is afraid. Expectations are too high. Because of this, others might be tempted to use untoward means to influence election results their way.

One factual thing that we are not talking about is that we should all be careful what we do now, how we conduct ourselves, and how we use power and resources at our disposal as this will have a bearing on what shapes our lives after October 24, 2014 will take.

The reality of this year’s elections is that the results, in part or whole, will be contested.

Some will not accept the results and this, like this year’s elections, will be incomparable to any before in this country.

I must admit, this is where I partake in this fear prison. The only difference is instead of having sleepless nights, I pray about it.

As we call the Church to prayer, we need to be reminded that prayer should never be viewed or used as an emergency exit force-out glass which we use to throw our self-made or allowed problems on God’s lap.

Prayer is not a window through which we throw things to God as we abdicate our responsibilities.

 Prayer demands commitment to justice. Unless we call all those involved in the electioneering, the government, the opposition, and the Independent Electoral Commission to commit to justice, unless we demand for justice and fairness before the election there will be no peace on, and especially post-election day.

As we ask the church to unite in prayer, we should call for the political playing field to be made even. This will demonstrate our resolve as we petition God.

But God cannot be fooled. God can make a way out of no way, this is the God who rides upon the billows as the water rages and also makes a path way for the eagle to soar!

This God will make this country soar like never before but there is definitely a price to be paid. And this price is commitment to the Kingdom ethic; it is commitment to the justice and righteousness of God.

Let the faithful therefore commit to prayer and God will see us through. But there is a demand.

The Christian Church should itself commit to justice. God will not hear us if we continue to demand justice from the government, from our employers and organisations we are members of when we do not live justice in our churches.

We are continuing in our religiosity to lull the pains of those pained and to give false and temporary hope to congregants proclaiming “peace, peace”, when there is no peace; treating the wounds of God’s people cosmetically (Jeremiah 6:13-14), God’s ear will not hear the noise we make.

God’s people everywhere deserve peace; they deserve justice, especially in the church. If we are to wish justice and peace for the country, we should not only wish it upon the church, it should prevail and be the defining factor for the church.

This is what God is saying to those who worship and pray without committing to justice “I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.  Even though you offer me burn offerings, I will not accept them, and then peace offerings of your fattened beasts I will not look upon.

Take away from me the noise of your songs, to the melody of your harps I will not listen. But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” (Amos 5:22-24).

It is time. The time is now; let us gather ourselves and steer the ship to the shore of our destiny. Let us captain this great country towards the ideals of our national vision. With God on our side, who can be against us? To God be the glory!