Opinion & Analysis

And the world will be as one

For Setswana speakers however, I can better convey exactly what it meant. When I say “Ijahh! A ngwana wa motho a itsamaele’ it is understood that I am speaking of myself as a poor, blameless soul who deems it best to walk out of a nasty situation without antagonising anyone. Here, as in scripture, ngwana wa motho (innocent, blameless soul) can still be erroneously translated as ‘son of Man’. In reality, it was applicable to almost anyone who was being led into, or finds himself in, a difficult situation not of his doing (see, for example, Ezekiel 2:1).

So, when John speaks of one like a son of man (this is how my New American Standard Bible correctly translates Revelation 14:14) he was subtly telling us that this was an innocent man who, by some contrivance of ‘Fate’, finds himself in the thick of things; commanded by war-mongering ‘angels’ to sink his “sharpened sickle into the ground” – which metaphors I explained in a recent article. It is easy to determine when such End Times were to come. In Daniel 8:13-14 they were to come 2300 ‘days’ from the Artaxerxes Decree of BC 457. When we apply the prophetic formula of ‘one day for every year’ as elucidated in Numbers 13:34 (see also Ezekiel 4:6), this amounts to 2300 years, leading to AD 1844.

Indeed, even as Adventists (those awaiting the advent – second coming – of Jesus) calculated this to exactly 22 May, 1844, only to be greatly disappointed, on this very day, in Persia (now Iran), a figure called ‘the Bab’ (the Gate) was announcing the imminence of ‘he whom God will make manifest” – a   Great Teacher who many religions awaited in one form or the other. Although the Bab did not say so himself, it was in that very year that Bahaullah was recruited into the fledgling ‘Babi’ movement. Over time, it became apparent that Bahaullah was that very one the Bab talked of, and Bahaullah announced this himself, to a select few, at the Garden of Ridvan in 1863.

Last week, we contrasted, with examples, a Saviour’s status and mission with that of a prophet. In terms of that comparison, it is thus erroneous to equate Jesus with a prophet. But neither is it true, we saw, that Jesus was the only ‘begotten son’ of God the Father. Other Saviours, we also saw, spoke of the same Sound and Light John speaks of in John 1, long before Jesus. Jesus himself said “…as long as I am in this world, I am the Light of the world …” (emphasis added).  It was Emperor Constantine’s Nicaea and other ill-informed conventions that voted for the ‘only begotten’ status and ruthlessly enforced it.

Also last week, we revealed a clear, identifying mark of a prophet blessed by the Elohim. In careful alignment with Leviticus 26:27ff (“…I will chastise thee seven times”), they came in two 1260-year cycles (adding to 2520 years), counting from the First Chastisement of the Jews which began soon after BC 676 when King Hosea of Israel ascended the throne. How? ‘Seven times’ also meant 7 x 360 years, or 2520 years, and the first 1260 years takes us to AD 584…the time of the Prophet Mohammed. The next 1260 years take us to 1844, the time of the Bab’s announcement.

In the lunar years (354 days) used by Moslems, a ‘time’ is not 1260 years but equal to 1222 solar years. Thus, from AD 622 (when the Islamic calendar began), 1222 years take us to 1844! Jesus’ own allocated time was as per Daniel 9:24-27. From the Artaxerxes Decree of BC 457, the Messiah was to come 69 ‘prophetic’ weeks (69 x 7 years), or 483 years later, leading to AD 26/27 when Jesus began his teachings.

 Another identifying mark of a prophet was rather more unfortunate. It started in the time of David and Solomon. Both kings ruled for 40 years – which scholars believe is too round and thus unlikely. They are right…yet also wrong. Yes, it was contrived. Believing that long reigns and long years of a single religion eventually breeds familiarity and contempt, the Elohim (ma-Illui, the gods, the Shining Ones) reapplied the 40 years they punished the Jews with; during which they wandered aimlessly in the wilderness because of disobedience. These kings were, effectively, assassinated with undetectable poisons; perhaps even the heart-attack inducing devices they sometimes use in modern times. This was the fate of Bahaullah: he received his ‘revelation’ in 1852 when in the Black Pit, and he died in 1892 – 40 years later.

In the far-sighted Daniel Blueprint hatched by the Elohim, everything about Bahaullah was meant to at last unify religions. 1844, his time, was a time when, per Mark 13:10, “the gospel has been preached to all the world as a witness” and, (Luke 21:24) “the time of the Gentiles had been fulfilled (i.e. the Jews could return to Jerusalem)”.  He was a descendant of Abraham through Keturah, Abraham’s wife, and his shrine was built on Mt Caramel, thus fulfilling Isaiah 35:2; Micah 4:1. Bahaullah’s coming was the culmination of all the Elohim’s efforts; their biblical promise of world peace and stability under a ‘God-sent’ figure.

Their ultimate aim? A One-World Order of unified language, one religion, and one government. As we are indeed all children of God, Bahaullah duly advocated for these as unifiers for world peace. But everything was not to be at quite the pace and open goodness Bahaullah stood for, hence his fight with them; his impassioned letters to world leaders. In reality, they only wanted the seed planted. Meantime, they needed to ‘exhale’ first; to at last openly enjoy their technology with us and against us instead of the perennial strain of hiding it from us in order to dazzle us firstly as ‘gods’, and then, most audaciously, as ‘God’ ; to continue toying with us as long as possible while we slumber under their spell…

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com