Opinion & Analysis

Khama/BDP abuse state resources

BDP supporters abroad BDF plane
BDP supporters abroad BDF plane

Over the weekend the President, accompanied by members of his party and civil sevants, went on a BDP campaign trail using government vehicles and a Botswana Defence Force (BDF) C130 plane. They flew to Gantsi and New Xade where ground transport was provided by government vehicles and personnel.

The ruling party functionaries use facilities and resources which belong to the tax payer to have an edge over the opposition. The effect of this has been a distortion of the views of the people of Botswana. The Elections in Botswana, as we have always said, are not fair. The BDP has been winning not because people agree with its policies but because it is manipulative.  

It continues to intimidate businesses not to give support to the opposition, while it armtwists it to support it. It also uses state resources, as it was the case over the weekend, to access the remotest places with ease. These are areas that the resources constrained opposition has difficulties in accessing. The situation is made worse by absence of state funding of political parties.

For those who support Democarcy we say, let us stand up and fight against this mess. The only weapon we have is our vote. Let us use it wisely to ensure that the BDP is punished for its sins. Vote wisely and stop vote splitting IN OUR LIFETIME AND IN THE FUTURE! We should embrace change by voting for the UDC. Let us make our vote count.


Moeti Mohwasa

UDC Spokesperson