Opinion & Analysis

And the truth shall set you free�

It should come as no surprise. Clear-minded investigation shows that ma-Eloi (Eloi’m in Hebrew) at first encouraged mankind to regard them as ‘gods’, then later ruthlessly suppressed this outlook when it led to serious problems of rivalry as individual gods began fighting over people’s loyalty to them (detailed last week). So, in order to forever avert such rivalry, they decided to stop being visible, worshipped ‘gods’ and rather blend in innocently with people – yet slyly rule unseen, as ‘God’, from within powerful secret societies. To know this basic truth, in a sense, is to become free…

When speaking as ‘God’, they were not to be seen, which is why Jesus called them Ma-amun (‘Unseen Ones’). The term amun (ha-o-mmone in Setswana) is indeed well-known to philologists, but mammon, I could reveal in even more detail, was deliberately obscured. Given this, and as Jesus said, you cannot serve two masters – ma-amun (mammon) and God proper (Matt. 6:24) – as these are not the same entity. Per John 1, God, in true essence, is the “The Word”. Does this refer to a ‘holy book’ that is purportedly God’s “own unfailing words of advice and promise”? No. That is a bad translation.

In his equation E=MC2 Albert Einstein showed that everything – even matter and energy – is just one entity: Energy (the power to ‘do’ and ‘be’) and it can neither be created nor destroyed. Logically, then, it has neither beginning nor end. Energy, however, must oscillate like a wave; if motionless it is not energy – and waves are understood mainly in terms of ‘Sound’ and ‘Light’. Per John’s Gnostic elucidation, this Divine ‘Sound’, ‘The (so-called) Word’ of Jesus, Plato’s ‘Logos’ or ‘Music of the Spheres’, Kabir Sahib’s ‘Bang-i-Asmani’ (‘Sound from Heaven’), Guru Nanak’s ‘Shabd’ (‘Audible Life Stream’), Buddha’s ‘Aum’, etc., is the fabric, the substance, of everything while ‘the Light’ is Life: sentience (consciousness, self-awareness), as manifested in ‘brain waves’.

By deliberately mistranslating the Greek term ‘Logos’ (akin to loga in Setswana: ‘[that which] weaves (i.e. seamlessly connects) everything’; hence ‘logic’) as lo-hoko (Setswana: ‘the word’), the plan was to conceal Jesus’ Gnostic teachings, along with ‘occult’ terms like ‘halo’ (Matt. 6:9), ‘Third Eye’ (Matt. 6:9; correctly called “Single Eye” in the King James Version), ‘Silver Cord’ (Matt. 19:23-4: which, to be able to thread through The Eye, must not be like a kamal – Semitic for ‘thick rope’, not ‘camel’), etc. But, as Setswana  (a revealing protolanguage) shows, ocula (Latin: “of the Eye”) is of the same root as okola, okomela, ogle, goggle, etc. – reference to the Single Eye (the Door to Heaven) that peeps into what most do not see (i.e. into the Astral World, the first of Seven Invisible Heavens).

The mark of a Saviour, then, is that he speaks of Sound, Light and Salvation. But in order to save, he must be living (see John 9:5); able to counsel and actively prepare one for the journey to meet the Father.

Unlike prophets, their principal aim is not to make this world a better place; they are not of this world (John 8:23). They bring not ‘peace’ (worldly contentment), but a sword that detaches one from this world. (Matt. 10:34-39). Earth, as Gnosticism reveals, was never meant to be Paradise, but rather a testing ground. Here, Life must subsist on Life. The cruellest, deadliest traps and weapons are found in Nature, in predatory creatures created purposely for the kill. So, in ‘The Game’, the Father carefully watches if one takes it all in with relish…or just shrugs it off as ‘natural’. Most do. But if one cannot stand it all, He pulls them back to Him through a Saviour. In The Game, however, increasingly subtler spiritual tests await as one progress through the Seven Heavens to the Father.

As for prophets, a sinister fate awaited them. The Elohim made them an offer: “Endure 40 days of being tempted and tested in the desert and we will give you forty years of reign; accept our mandate and get a legacy cut off at 3½ prophetic years (3.5 x 360 years =1260 years); reject and you will be cut off after only 3½ prophetic days (3.5 x 360 days = 3.5 years)”. As a Saviour, Jesus duly rejected the offer of being a prophet, and was thus ‘cut off’ at the earlier time. From Jesus to Bahaullah, all were principled men throughout their lives – though Paul’s 40-year ‘apostlehood’ (some say AD 40-80, not 67) was preceded by fanaticism and murder. Only later, when too late, are they privately shown how they were used.

In reaction, even Paul comes to subtly warn (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) that Christ will not ‘return’ until the ‘Lawless One’ himself (who Paul had unwittingly served by disparaging Judaic Law) has sat on a rebuilt ‘Temple’ i.e. a new Church and system of worship – ironically, his own Pauline doctrine. The prophet Mohammed accepted his mandate and discharged it so faithfully that some in the ‘Society’ were averse to killing him at all, hence his ‘escape’ in AD 622.

Bahaullah’s own reaction was to, in several impassioned letters, directly warn the Elohim (embedded within the European powers) against their love of power and manipulation – advice they disregarded. Instead, they took his life in the same ruthless, trademark pattern: Bahaullah received his ‘revelation’ in 1852 when in the Black Pit, and he died in 1892 – 40 years later. Another good man down.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com