
Happy and blessed Botswana Day!

Indeed we can safely say Ebenezer; thus far the Lord has been with us. Israel was constantly reminded by God to remember where they came from. It is at times not only easy but convenient and expedient, sometimes even soothing like kola to forget where one comes from. Sometimes we want to forget some life events because they bring sorrow and sadness to us. Sometimes due to the hurt of the past and the willingness to forget and move on makes us believe opting to forget is the panacea. Interestingly and maybe paradoxically, forgetting is hardly an option as it is not something one decides and does “just like that”. On the other hand, there are times when people opt to forget because the present is by far a far cry from the achievements of the past.

I am not one to pretend not to know that the past is often glorified. How often do we hear adults say “hei, bana ba gompieno mathata they are not like us”. Or, “things were good in the past, but as for these days, is all bad!” These things are said through generations. Even the generation that glorified its past has been condemned by the one preceding it. Does this mean the world is in a state of constant decline, almost bordering on determinism such that this is the way the world was predetermined to unfold and nothing that can be done can change the way things are, as such is the way they are to be? But remember we must, as to do otherwise will be to insult and rubbish the memory and the spirit of those who came before us. God willed that through them a nation of Botswana will be born and take its place among the nations of the world! This happened and we are still basking in that glory! Ours is to introspect and determine whether we are comfortable with basking in the glory of and from the past. Each Botswana loving Motswana out to ask himself and herself what role they have to play in order for the glory of the past not to be relegated into relic status.

As we remember who we are, we need to ask ourselves seriously and honestly what role have we played, how have we contributed to the improvement of this country, Botswana. Each from their small corner, whatever positive contribution were considered in terms of the collective it will have made, and will make such a difference. How many of us have selfishly exploited this mother country without giving back for the sake of those with us and those still to come?

Have we dealt justly with our environment or have selfishly squandered it as though God has handed it over to us instead of acting as stewards of God’s creation? Have we dealt with creation remembering that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof?” as the Psalmist reminds us (Psalm 24:1)? How have we dealt with our children? Some have abused their own children and others’, forgetting that a child is a child of the universe; a child is every parent’s child. How have we helped our children to grow up into responsible loving and caring adults and citizens of this great nation?

As we remember where we come from, let us introspect and see how we treated the sick, vulnerable, the orphans and the poor. Have we made a spectacle out of them in order to display how philanthropic we are or can be? Have we kept the poor poor for the sake or philanthropism? How do we fare in terms of treating farm workers, domestic workers? Some of us still pay badisa with chibuku and tobacco! Is this the Botswana bo Rre Seretse Khama, QKJ Masire, P.G Matante, Motsamai Mpho, Rre Tsoebebe, Shololo K. Koma, bo Mme Mma Chiepe, to name a few, sacrificed so much to build? Would those gone to the yonder recognise this country as the one they built? Or better still those still alive do they recognise Botswana for the one they envision? Can these Batsadi say what old man Simeon when the baby Jesus was presented to God in the Temple: “Master, you may now let your servant depart in peace according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples?”(Luke 2:29-31)?

What role has each one played? Have we said what ought to be said to prick each other’s consciences or we have said and done things to hurt and destroy? What positives have we done? I do believe there are many to celebrate. At the same time, I admit that we have done many hurtful things separately and collectively, as organisations, government, churches, and whatever groupings we belong.

Yet celebrate we must for God has been our God. We should celebrate because we have still done better not to do worse like others have done and continue to do. I remember though that in the past, no independence eve would pass without God giving a sign of blessing and blessedness by giving a drizzle. As we prepare to celebrate, I pray God for a sign tonight, this independence eve, a sign of blessing by giving at least a drizzle. God still loves this country and us. God still wills that this country continue to shine amongst nations. As we prayerfully and praise-fully   remember the place God took us from, let us be inspired to cast our votes on the October 24, 2014. Let me wish His Excellency Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama and the people of Botswana a blessed Botswana day as we count our blessings and name them one by one!

Finally compatriots, “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honourable, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good repord: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil. 4: 8’9).