Choppies can do better and should do better

Very few people can argue against the fact that the coming of Choppies has helped to force prices down. After a long time of dominance of South African chain stores, it is pleasing to learn that a Botswana grown company is taking the country by storm and it is even planning to conquer the regional market, including South Africa.

Already, some Choppies stores have opened up in South Africa. This goes to show that Botswana companies can penetrate the outside market.While we commend Choppies for being one of the flag bearers we believe that there are a number of issues that they will have to address if they really want to be at the top end of the market.

The recent report on Botswana Television that one of their stores sells products that have expired or have passed their sell by date is a major concern. Public relations director, Barney Stegling's lame explanation that the reason why these products were found on the shelves, or were indeed sold to customers, is because they hire Junior Certificate and Form Five dropouts to man the shelves does not wash at all.

Most shops like Game Stores, Pick 'N Pay, Spar, Score, Lucky Seven and many others hire the same pool of people and yet they do not have expired goods on the shelves.

Choppies should have proper systems in place to ensure that the customer is not disadvantaged.

The customer's safety, health and satisfaction should not be compromised. If these are compromised then the reputation of the store is at stake.

Choppies, unlike some of the stores, some of them South African owned, is doing very well to buy local produce but we believe that they can do this while maintaining high standards and making sure that their farm produce such as vegetables and fruits are fresh.

There have been serious labour issues that Choppies management will do well to address urgently. Choppies has been accused of paying lip service to localisation and that their staff work long punishing hours for a pittance.

Choppies will do well to improve working conditions of its employees in order for them to be accepted as a leading store in this country. We believe that the store has the potential to achieve all this if they treat their staff and customers as a worthy asset.

                                                  Today's thoguht

If consumers are asked to make greater sacrifices than industry, this country is going to have the greatest shortage of all-consumers.'

                                                   -Betty Furness quotes