Opinion & Analysis

When ideologies clashed and people wavered

5-6 thousand years ago in ancient Mesopotamia (now Iraq), the people of Sumer and Babylon had to choose between two extremely powerful clans of the ‘gods’, namely the Enlilites of Sumer and the Enkiites of Babylon and Egypt. Basically, the Enlilites (descendants of EN.LILLU (Enlil): ‘Lord of the Illu, the Gods’) anted apartheid between ‘gods’ and ‘mortals’ (Genesis 3:22ff) even though both were mere flesh-and-blood. The Enkiites (descendants of EN.KI (Enki): ‘Lord of the Earth’, Enlil’s second-in-command) acknowledged that, in reality, all humanity was an equal in the eyes of the Real God.

Ultimately, however, it was the Enlilites who emerged victorious – and the true history of the Enkiites was either obfuscated (as in the Bible) or completely blotted out from records, and the clan’s leaders vilified as ‘snakes’ (Gen. 3:1-5) for ‘betraying’ the gods by ‘lying’ to the Adama (mankind) that they, too can be as gods. Nowadays, the unbiased, untainted story of the Enkiites can only be pieced together in whatever remains of extant Mesopotamian texts.

The Enlilites used an apartheid system in which the ‘Black-headed Ones’ (non-Whites) grovellede before light-skinned ‘gods’, the Illu (the Eloi, Ma-’Loi): ‘Akhus’ (Makgoa) in ancient Egypt. However, as in South Africa, the ‘mortals’ quickly saw that there was actually no real difference between races; so began to cleverly divide-and-rule the gods. Eventually, as in the American Civil War, the gods were ironically fighting and killing each other over ‘lesser people’.

 Brought to the brink of all-out nuclear war in Abraham’s time, the Enlilites resolved to curb, through ‘monotheism’, their bitter rivalry over territory and people. Under this plan, they were no longer to be ‘worshipped’ as individual gods. Instead, they resolved to use their advanced technology to project them-selves as a single, Unseen God to their protégés, the ‘Children of Israel’ – Abraham’s descendants. The new nation of Jews, however, tended to stray from this ‘monotheism’. The Enlilites thus resolved to “put them through the furnace…refine them seven times like silver” (Psalms 12:6). Seven Chastisements (Lev. 26:27-33) were decreed for them until the ‘End of Days’ when a ‘New Jerusalem’ (modern-day Israel) shall arise and Jews could at last be together again in their Promised Land.

 Assyria was the first whip (or rod) of the ‘Unseen-God’s’ anger against the Israelites. (Isaiah 10:5-7) As such, all their chastisements on Israel were on the “trustworthy orders of Ashur, my Lord”, as Assyrians called their ‘god’. Indeed, as my e-book They Came From the Sky pieces together from ‘mythology’, the ruthless and explosive Ashur (also ‘Teshub’ or ‘Hadad’) rose in the time of Moses – having used black-mail to usurp effective leadership from the kindlier SU.EN (‘Sin’), the de-jure Leader of the Gods, also known as “El, the Merciful and Kind” in ancient, Ugaritic texts; the revered ‘crescent-moon god’.

As Ashur/Hadad decimated the hapless Jews, Tehuti (‘Thoth’: a brilliant Enkiite who had joined the Enlilites to spite his rival brother Marduk), eventually fell out with the clan for their utter cruelty in enforcing ‘monotheism’. This time, a fierce, all-out War of the Gods broke out in South America, where Tehuti was based – but this was mainly to re-secure certain technologies the Enlilites had entrusted him with. That he differed with them ideologically was secondary.

By BC 562, the Enlilites had won and Tehuti (now the Mayan god Viracocha) fled and settled in the Herma-Laya (Himalayas) – named after him as ‘Herma-Thoth’ (Hermes [the] Teacher): te-huti is mo-ruti in modern Setswana, and laya is ‘teach’). There, in direct opposition to Enlilite “monotheism”, he began an Age of Enlightenment that spread through Asia. Indeed, astute observers of religion note that most world’s major religions ‘suddenly’ began in the sixth century BC: Confucius, born BC 551, began Confucianism, his contemporary Lao-Tzu founded Taoism; Mahavira (BC 599-527) founded Jainism, Gautama Buddha (BC 564-483) founded Buddhism, and Zoroaster (BC 628-551) founded Zoroastrianism. As this was also the exact period a New World Order plan was revealed to a  traumatized Daniel (Dan. 7:28; 8:27, etc.), a pitched battle for people’s souls had evidently begun.

Likewise, in AD 1844 – the ‘End Days’ revealed to Daniel in Dan. 8:27 &12:4ff – major new religions/ outlooks suddenly popped up. Mormonism, Christian Science, Adventism, the School of Tübingen, Dar-winism, Marxism, etc. broke out in quick succession. ‘End-days’  was a time all objectives of the ‘Daniel’ Blueprint were reached; when “men shall run hither and thither and knowledge shall increase”. Indeed, major advances especially in transport and communication, came so thick and fast the US Patent Office believed that it might close because ‘all possible advances will soon be made’. Per Dan. 8:14, these times begin 2300 ‘days’ (years) from the Artaxerxes Decree of BC 457 (when Jews were released to rebuild Jerusalem), thus AD 1844.

1844 was also the time of the ‘Philadelphia Church’ spirit (phila-delphia means ‘Brotherly Love’) – earmarked for Baha’u’llah and his benign Baha’i faith  meant to unify the great ‘mon-otheistic’ religions of Judaism, Paul’s ‘Christianity’, and Islam. However, as John warned in Rev. 2:14, 20, a Jezebel/Balaam (Illuminati power) waspreparing to be a ‘stumbling block’ for the Jews; cov-ertly preparing them for their seventh, final, most terrible chastisement yet, while ushering in the Seventh and final Spirit of the Churches (Rev. 3:14): Laodicea, our modern times.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com