
Botswana To Provide Internet Access For Rural Communities


“As part of the plan, in this financial year several initiatives have been identified which seek, amongst other things, to address issues of poor network performance, limited or lacking services and reliability,” said Assistant Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Olebile Gaborone.

Gaborone added that Botswana has already invested heavily in the East African Submarine Cable System and West Africa Cable System undersea cables so that it can have reliable access to internet. Internet in Botswana is used by 11 percent of the country’s two million population, while most people in rural areas are having little access. This is slightly below the figure of 16 percent for Africa as a whole in 2013.

There are no government restrictions on access to the internet or credible reports the government monitors e-mails or internet chat rooms. The Botswana constitution and law provide for freedom of speech and press and the government generally respects these rights.

The constitution and law prohibit arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home, or correspondence, and the government generally respects these prohibitions in practice.