Opinion & Analysis

Britain, Freemasonry and the Rosslyn Chapel factor

The history of the chapel, however, begins not in Scotland but in Rome as researchers Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas – authors of The Hiram Key – reveal. It begins with the Knights Templar, a paramilitary group sponsored with papal blessing to, it seems, search for and secure certain ‘secret relics and manuscripts’ relating to Jewish history. Indeed, from AD 1118-1120, they extensively excavated the labyrinths of the Jerusalem (Herod’s) Temple.

Whether it was gold or secret knowledge they discovered, the Templars somehow grew suddenly very rich and powerful, rivalling even the papacy. The above authors identify one major find as ancient scrolls documenting the very foundations of Christianity, pos-sibly just before the AD 70 genocide of Jews by Rome. As Judah (now Israel) fell, Jews hid precious scrolls in the labyrinth under the Jerusalem Temple; the Nasoreans (Nazarenes) of Qumran in the crevices of caves (later discovered as the Dead Sea Scrolls): texts that could turn ‘accepted’ history on its head.

Although nominally loyal to the Pope, the Templars, it seems, kept certain ‘secrets’ to themselves, which, on the insistence of the cash-strapped King Phillip IV of France, opportunistically led to their being declared ‘heretical’ in 1307 by Pope Clement V. Tortured and massacred, Phillip could now lay hands on their vast wealth. Surviving Templars fled to Scotland where, together, they revived certain ancient knowledge now encrypted in Freemasonry. Indeed, the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland was built 1440-1486 by Oliver St Clair in an area the Knights are known to have gathered after their massacre.

It was no doubt in those times that a secretive group called ‘the Illuminati’ – the Enlightened Ones – began challenging, through science, the religious dogma peddled by the Church. Actually, ‘Illuminati’ was an ancient term for the Illu (gods) of Sumer, the ‘Shining Ones’ – reference to both their pale skin and their enlightenment – but this extremely ancient and advanced race split into two rival factions with, briefly speaking, the ‘Enlilites’ advocating for ‘faith’, ‘belief’ and meek surrender to ‘religious authority’ while the ‘Enkiites’ advocated for certainty and growth through personal knowledge (gnosis). How ‘Illu-minati’ came to ironically refer to just the Enlilites will become clearer below.

In their Scottish haven, earnest talk began amongst the Templars of a utopian land of the Star of Merica ‘beyond the oceans’ – a vision long espoused by the Mandaens – a Gnostic group under John the Baptist’ that was vilified and dispersed on his death; precursors of the Nasoreans of which Jesus became leader. Templars, it seems, took to heart the Enkiite-Gnostic outlook of ‘unfettered search for knowledge’ and ‘freedom from religious persecution’. They sailed westward, flying their battle-flag of skull and cross-bones…later the iconic insignia of Britain’s state-blessed pirates that wrested maritime power from Spain in the time of Queen Elizabeth I…and of a certain Yale University based secret society. By 1470, twelve years before Christopher Columbus set sail west in 1492, maize and cactus aloe depictions – plants only found in the Americas at that time – had already decorated the Rosslyn Chapel walls!

A couple of centuries later, in France, an uncaring, insular Royalty, along with the relentless persecution of ‘heretics’, eventually triggered a republican revolution there. As long foreseen, it was now clear that the time for a new universal dispensation had come. So, behind the scenes, in Scotland, Enlilite forces forged an opportunistic ‘compromise’ with the Enkiite Templars – a move some no doubt saw as betrayal. Indeed, the original Scottish (Enkiite) rites of Freemasonry were soon hybridised into new ‘English’ (Enlilite) rites. This done, the seat of the new, compromised ‘Illuminati’ moved from the Vatican to America. Under the promise of ‘liberty’, many Frenchmen, including Huguenots, moved there as well, along with English religious minorities such as the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and the Puritans.

If Republican France was the impetus, it was Britain who drove this new outlook and exported it to America. Britain was indeed steadily becoming perhaps the greatest world empire ever. She ruled America – with France playing second fiddle. America eventually declared independence from Britain in 1778 – a process led by the new-style ‘Freemasons’. As agreed, all manner of freedoms were duly extended and guaranteed to people, slavery was eventually abolished, and a new zeitgeist was apparently taking shape. Afterward, Britain’s influence and intervention in world affairs grew instead of waning. It was clearly her who drove the Enlilite blueprint drawn in the Book of Daniel – especially in the time leading to, and during, the prophesied ‘End-Days’ of 1844: a country always in the thick of biblical ‘prophecy’ events.

Indeed, Britain was instrumental in the 1844 Edict of Toleration that allowed Jews back into present-day Israel after millennia of being scattered and persecuted in line with Seven Chastisements of the Jews per Lev. 26:27ff. Like silver (Psalms 12:6), and for the sake of ‘faith’, they were to be refined ‘seven times’ with ‘fire’. As revealed to a shocked Daniel in Dan. 12:3ff, 1844 was earmarked to be a time of change and upheaval. In the next article, I will show how 1844 has much in common with BC 562, the critical time of Daniel; times in history when religious lines were drawn and the tussle for the minds and souls of people reached peak intensity – the aftermaths of which remain with us to today.

Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com