Opinion & Analysis

The star that fell to earth from heaven

To understand how ancient Batswana can have even heard of money we must first understand that I have traced the last wave of forced Bantu migration out of Egypt to between BC 562-539, a time of Ezekiel’s exile in Babylon along with other elite Jews; a time ‘the Lord’ evidently made good his threat to make Egypt ‘desolate’ because of the disobedient ways of her proud indigenous population (Ezek. 29:6-20). Bantus do originate from the north and certain phrases like ‘go lelela Khama le Mogogoro’ (literally: ‘to cry over Khmer and Mo-roggo’) point to Egypt herself (called Khmer or Khmet). Egypt was near Lydia in Asia Minor (now Eastern Europe), the kingdom of Croesus – the fabulously wealthy king who minted money. We obviously migrated with the knowledge of what ledi and mali/money was.

Turning to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament (also called the ‘Apocalypse of John’) we find that John started off his prophecy with the Seven Spirits of the Churches that began in Paul’s time (specifically AD 34) and ended in the End-Days (explained below). As I showed at length in prior articles, each Church represented the seven stages by which the original, Gnostic message of Jesus – and indeed religiosity itself – was to be reinvented, redirected, and ruthlessly controlled.

After the successful marriage of Church and State in the Pergamos Church period (AD 323-538: per gamos means ‘by marriage’), the long-lived Thyatira Church (AD 538-1798) took over, characterised (as John hinted in Rev. 2:20), by ‘Lydia’ the new Jezebel (see Acts 16:14), a wealthy ‘seller of purple’. Just as Jezebel (and Balaam) had sold out the Israelites, the ‘Lydian’ Church of Thyatira, based in Rome, sold out both Jew and the true Christian as it donned the royal ‘purple robes’ of wealth and temporal power.

John’s Revelation unsealed (exposed) that soon after the Fourth Trumpet sounded Thyatira into existence, a ‘fifth trumpet’ sounded in AD 584, signifying another change in the political and religious landscape as a ‘star’ (i.e. ‘angel’: Rev. 1:20) ‘fell from heaven’ and unlocked the ‘bottomless pit’ (unfathomable source) from which emanated ‘smoke’ (an obscuring thing) and a swarm of ‘locusts’ (forces that devastate and overwhelm through numbers that act as one). (Rev. 9:1-3)

Since an ‘angel’ is a malachi (Tswana: malata – servants), this evidently means a behind-the-scenes emissary of those who secretly control global events. As John subtly reveals, it is these very ‘angels’ whose seals, trumpets and bowls release the changes: sadly, it is not the Real God who directs and controls politics but, as ancient Sumerian texts indeed reveal, a powerful faction of flesh-and-blood ‘gods’ they called the Illu (‘Shining Ones’), namely the Enlilites; a faction now known as the ‘Illuminati’.

  Also last week, and in many other prior articles, we saw how the Children of Israel were to be chastised ‘seven times’ (Lev. 26:27ff) for failing their Enlilite ‘Most High’ god Adonai in ‘monotheism’, a stratagem, I explained, devised by the very ‘gods’ to curb bitter rivalry amongst themselves – especially the question of who, in the eyes of ordinary people, was ‘greater’ than who. ‘Seven times’ also meant 7 x 360 years (2520 years), during which religion was to be ‘renewed’ every 1260 years. Essentially, ‘renewal’ was to prevent the decay that inevitably sets in when people become ‘too familiar’ with their ‘God’.

AD 584 BC was thus the critical year in which religion was to be ‘renewed’; 1260 years since 676 BC when, per my new, Harmonized Timelines, Hosea became King of Israel, and during whose reign the First Chastisement began under Assyria’s Shalmaneser V. Essentially, the Enlilites offered their ‘change-agent’ this: accept forty days of training in our desert hideout and get forty years of rule; accept our mission and your legacy will be cut off only in the bigger ‘mid-week’ (3½ prophetic years: 3.5 x 360 years=1260 years); reject and you get cut-off in 3½ prophetic days; 3.5 years. (Dan. 9:27)

Jesus was the only one to refuse (Matt. Chapter 4) and the Prophet Muhammed the only change-agent to personally survive beyond 40 years of rule (this limit began with David and Solomon; see I Kings 2:11 and I Kings 11:42). The Prophet’s official legacy duly lasted 1260 years from AD 584 (Islam’s Year One) to 1844, Persia’s (Iran’s) Year One; he was thus prophet to the ‘End-Days’ (AD 1844); the Enlilite’s change-agent in the End-Days is Bahaullah, announced in 1844 by ‘the Bab’ Ali Muhammed.

Essentially, the great ‘monotheistic’ religions of Judaism, Paul’s version of Christianity, and Islam were designed by the Enlilites to pit one against the other, create tension, and provide handles for divide-and-rule. Examples of such mischief is in the exact status of Jesus: was he merely a ‘gifted prophet’ (Sura 4:153-176) or of the same substance as God? Was he was indeed crucified or not (Sura 4:157)? Gnosticism (now ‘Sant Mat’) confirms that Jesus is Mi-ka-El (‘like/same as God’) because he followed the ‘Path of Thoth (Hermes)’ that unveils the mysterious Philosopher’s Stone (the Vibrating Word or Logos) which turns ‘lead into gold’; i.e. enables a ‘hungry’ individual to discover, unite with, and become God – whose Essence (our Life) we only see inside when our Single Eye is opened (Matt. 6:22, KJV). Next, we examine the feared ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ and see who, in history, they really were…


Comments to leteanelm@gmail.com

Digging Tswana Roots (Vol. 138) by L.M. Leteane.