
BDP cllr fails to bar opponent

Serite wanted the court to order the removal of the names of Makgosa and five other respondents from the voters roll in the Sesame-Kagiso polling district. He argued that the six acted in conflict with the Electoral Act and disregarded a warning by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) not to cheat.

Serite stated that the particulars of the respondents’ residents are not true in that they gave plot numbers of the places they do not live in. “The respondents should not be allowed to vote in the 2014 general elections or stand to be voted for any leadership position,” he argued.

He stated that when he scrutinised the voters’ roll, he discovered that the respondents gave the IEC registration officers untrue information. He stated that one the respondents simply picked an open space while others chose houses. “I visited the places in question only to be informed by the residents of the places that these voters do not live there,” Serite stated.

“I pray to the honourable court for an order in terms of notice of motion for the withdrawal of these voters from the voters’ roll. They should not be allowed to stand for any local seat in the Sesame-Kagiso polling district.

“They have not been honest to their own country’s laws,” Serite submitted. He prayed that the matter be treated as urgent because the voters’ roll is just about to be closed.