Bullets planted on us - Kalafatis' friend


Gare who was driving the car in which Kalafatis was shot, said in an interview that his friend was not carrying any arms or ammunition on that day but after he was held down by security agents for hours, he found bullets sprinkled in their car.

'No one amongst us had a gun or bullets,' said Gare, who says the execution still traumatises him.

Gare, a visual artist, said the soldiers ordered him and Joseph Piet out of the vehicle after they started to shoot at Kalafatis.  They were made to lie on the ground from where they heard the assailants opening the vehicle several times. 

However, according to Gare, later, the soldiers asked about some bullets that were placed behind the driver's seat. This is despite the fact that there had been no bullets before and he believes that they were planted by the soldiers.

'What was surprising was that the bullets were all in one place - if Kalafatis, who was sitting behind on the far left had thrown the bullets there, they could have been scattered,' Gare said.

Gare says there were four soldiers but only three were shooting.  He believes that the one who killed Kalafatis was shooting from the side Kalafatis was sitting and that the other two were shooting because they were trigger-happy. 'After Kalafatis was killed in a scene where many people were watching from a nearby bar, the soldiers disappeared and their supervisors attended to the scene but the police did not come until more than one hour later. Gare says that when they were returned to the