The Winners Code

Even you can still soar high in life

To answer this question we will learn from two creatures namely the eagle and the hot air balloon. From the eagle we will learn about habits and from the hot air balloon we will learn principles. These two things; habits and principles are very integral to any worthwhile human endeavour. We will unpack the habits of the eagles first.


Living in the heights 

Of all creatures the eagle is unique in that it chooses to live in the heights. Some creatures live in crevices, humans in houses and mice and foxes in holes but eagles live in the heights. Not only does the eagle live in the heights it also operates in the heights. The eagle therefore sets itself the highest standards possible. If there is a choice, the eagle will always choose to make its nest in the tallest tree and at the highest point in the tree. People that make a deliberate choice to set themselves the highest standards of personal conduct and personal performance will eventually rise to the top and become high flyers.

There are two other advantages that come with living in the heights. First, is perspective? When you are at the top you tend to see further than those at the bottom and you also tend to see more. We can call this the eagle’s eye view. If you learn to live in the heights and operate in the heights your perspective will commensurately improve and give you a strategic advantage. Secondly, when you live in the heights you avoid the clutter, noise and din that come with being entangled at the bottom. There is always more confusion and more commotion in the lives of people who live by low standards. There are far fewer predators in the heights than in the doldrums. People who live in the heights set goals, discuss ideas, inspire others and press on toward greatness while people in the doldrums complain, criticise and tear others others.


Vision and foresight

The eagle’s eye is almost the size of the human eye. That is oversized compared to its stature. Even more the sharpness of the eagle’s sight is four times better than that of the human being. Eagles are able to see objects that are almost 75 kilometers away. Though eagles are naturally endowed with good sight, they do not take this for granted. Instead they regularly exercise it. High flyers see ahead. They often take a gaze into the future to see, visualise and anticipate the future. They live ahead of their times. They go where none have gone before and leave trails for others to follow. It is difficult to go far in life if you can’t see beyond your nose.  Good vision helps the eagle see all the possibilities within its reach and beyond. It can also see a predator from miles away–helping him both avert the problem as well as protect his family and young ones. When we lack foresight, we cannot see the challenges or the possibilities that lie around us. A person who lacks vision is a person who wastes all his opportunities. This person cannot see “what’s coming” — so everything catches them off-guard. The person who has foresight will avoid many pitfalls and seize the most opportunities, while the person who lacks it falls into every trap imaginable


Strategic habits:

  Eagles always live close to open water where food is plentiful, and where undisturbed habitats abound. Eagles maximise their chances of succeeding in their searches by carefully selecting where they spend most of their time. They always choose a target rich environment. This is also true of high flyers. They carefully choose where and with whom they spend most of their time with. They deliberately choose environments that give the greatest potential to actualise their pursuits. Furthermore, when it rains all birds occupy shelter, but eagles avoid the rain by flying above the clouds. Eagles therefore live above the circumstances and above their problems. When storms come, all other birds hide in the leaves and branches of trees for safety, while the eagle uses the storm’s wind to lift itself higher. Once the eagle finds the wind of the storm, he will use it to lift himself above the clouds, then he glides and simply rests his wings.

The hot air balloon operates differently.  Hot-air balloons are propelled, not by heating the air, but by releasing helium or hydrogen. First, the gas in the balloon is heated. As it gains heat the gases inside become less dense and therefore lighter than the gases outside the balloon. This difference in density gives the balloon an upward thrust. Once off the ground the balloon can gain more altitude by releasing weights usually in the form of sand bags. The two important things about the hot air balloons are the heat of the gases inside and the weight. High flyers also need these two important characteristics. The heat inside a human being symbolises their motivation, determination and enthusiasm. Put together these forces produce the fire that burns inside the belly. Nothing significant in life was ever achieved without enthusiasm, motivation and determination.

On the other hand the weight represents the things within the structure and the load of the balloon that impedes its progress. The greatest enemy to the balloon achieving its objective of gaining altitude is not outside forces but the weight that it carries. Similarly our greatest impediment as we seek to fly high comes from the unnecessary baggage that we saddle ourselves with. This baggage includes things like our habit to procrastinate, to hold on to past hurts and jealousies and all other attitudes of the mind that weaken us and consume our energies.