
Mbanderu to host cultural dinner

The dinner is meant to accord the Herero tribe of the Ovambanderu a chance to share their culture with other Batswana.

The publicity secretary of MYAB, Muniovandu Kandjou, said their aim, as an organisation, is to sensitise people about their culture. 

He added that the cultural night would also give them an opportunity to celebrate their culture, while at the same time sensitising the public on the importance of preserving culture.

Kandjou said they would be bringing elders from Ngamiland to share their wisdom on the Mbanderu culture. 

He added that the event would be filled with the Mbanderu cultural activities, which will include traditional choral, acapella music, otherwise known as Omantangero, Ovambanderu traditional dance performances and dress parades.

The event will be held at the Big Five Lodge in Mogoditshane.