Fantan should quit Intelligence Tribunal

In the story she is quoted as having indicated that the reports by the media concerning the recent extra-judicial killings by state security forces are part of a grand plan by an evil coalition hell-bent on ousting the President from his position. If this story is true, it has to be a worrying incident. We need to outline that the Tribunal is the only recourse for members of the public to lodge applications or complaints against the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS). Since the DIS was created it has been a bone of contention between those who seek to widen the avenues through which members of the public can appeal against any possible abuses by DIS agents and those who seem satisfied with the current system. It is not a new debate, though the recent incident involving Fantan has re-ignited it.

From the onset, we disapproved of Fantan's appointment to this important tribunal not because we doubted her ability to discharge any other duty independently, but because in this particular matter we questioned her status as a cousin to the President, to make objective judgements regarding the intelligence body. The intelligence body was conceived by the President soon after his ascendance to the highest office in the land, amid a barrage of criticism.

We doubted Fantan's ability therefore, to hold the intelligence body to account. The Gazette story therefore, does nothing but reinforce our doubts in Fantan's impartiality.

We feel no one could be expected, quite frankly, to hold a cousin's favourite creation to account. It also confirms what we have known all along - that Fantan has been over-burdened with responsibilities by the President and by the nation. There is no doubt that Fantan is entitled to her opinions whether based on her own religious beliefs or otherwise, but what is clear is that whoever sits on the Intelligence Tribunal, should not hold the views that Fantan expressed personally or professionally. But then again, Fantan does not surprise anyone by holding such inherently skewed views when it comes to matters relating to the President. As the President's cousin and in our Setswana culture cousins should always look out for each other. However, she has demonstrated that she is not fully capable of looking out for members of the public. The President should remove her from her position. Or better still, she must do her cousin a huge favour and do the most honourable thing - resign from her position. That will enhance the credibility of the Tribunal and ultimately help the President.  

                                                Today's Thought

                              'The family is one of nature's masterpieces.'

- George Santayana quotes Spanish born American Philosopher, Poet and Humanist